I was going to post a couple of pictures from our Father's Day celebration yesterday, but the computer doesn't want to open up my camera software without being shut down...and I just didn't want to wait for it to shut down, open back up and then download the photos...maybe tomorrow!
We did have a very nice day celebrating Father's Day yesterday. Melany, Wade, and Erin joined us over at Nathan and Kathy's for a nice lunch. The two younger generation families hosted Woody and me! The food was yummy and the company was great as well! The only one missing was Alex and he had to work.
I made an eggplant casserole to go along with some of yesterday's leftovers. They attempted to cook items that are on Woody's "ok" list. Let's just say we ate well and continued to eat well today!
Woody got up this morning and walked six miles. He knew that he needed to get an early start since it was predicted (correctly) that it would be another hot one today. Once again it got into the 90's. Nathan took in one of their vehicles to have the AC worked on and Woody followed him so he could take him home. Abigail came over and asked if I would take her to get her hair cut which we did. She just got it trimmed. The young fellow who cut her hair told her that he had never cut anyone's hair that was so thick before! Kathy and Esther and Elijah left early this morning for Kid's Church Camp. So the children were in and out at various times of the day. Nathan always gets busy on various "projects" when Kathy is away...at least this time they aren't pulling up flooring!!! He gave Abigail a sewing job to do. So I helped her to do what he wanted this afternoon. That sewing made Joy think about something that she wanted to sew so she got busy choosing fabric and getting it sewn/cut into the shape that she needs. Isaac came over and played with my grandfather's blocks while they sewed. After supper Nathan had to take Graham to his Civil Air Patrol meeting and the two little boys came over and played for a while. So it has been a lot of "in-and-out" today!
I got a bit later start on the eggplant casserole so Woody said that he would eat after he went to the Furnace Room prayer meeting. He is home and we have both eaten now.
I did attempt to get started on the blouse/shirt that I am making for myself...fabric is pressed, fabric is laying out flat on the cutting table, pattern pieces have been ironed smooth...but that is as far as I have gotten.
We do have the first upgrade for our kitchen. Nathan and family gave Woody a motion detecting light switch for the kitchen. Now when we enter from the dining room we don't have to walk very far till the light comes on! I like it...except...that it doesn't detect my motion when I am chopping things on the counter top...or stirring things on the stove...or sitting at the table eating. It will go off after so many minutes and then I have to walk toward the center of the room again. I finally overrode the automatic and turned it on...and
this time I remembered to put it back on automatic when I left the room. The motion sensor light switch was suggested by a faithful blog reader/best friend and we appreciate the suggestion very much. It has always bugged me that we couldn't turn on the light at that end of the kitchen when entering from the dining room...and now we take two or three steps into the kitchen and on comes the light! Nice! I am glad that Nathan and/or Graham listened to me when I told one of them about the suggestion. Graham did the installation. He's quite handy with things like this.
Oops! I just realized that I walked away from the blog. I heard Abigail outside hitting the volleyball against their house and I needed to arrange a time for her to come over here in the morning. I'm going to take her to my place of work for 27 years--Ray's Montessori School. She is going to be volunteering there when school goes back into session after the summer break. Abigail is going to get her first taste of Montessori in the morning as they are having a summer session with some of the children heading off to public kindergarten. I think that the car can still find the way there!! This is part of Abigail's high school freshman curriculum--a unit on early childhood education as one of her freshman electives. Abigail loves to work with young children. This should be right up her alley! She is excited about goin for the first time in the morning. She will be working with "my boss" of 27 years aka Nathan and Melany's preschool and kindergarten teacher. So Abigail will be working with her daddy's first teacher!