And, it must be time for June as our tiger lilies are blooming once again. They usually put on quite a show around the first of June. Once again I will say that I can't believe that another month is over for this year...five months have already come and gone this year.
Woody headed off to do our grocery shopping early this morning. While he was gone, I got busy and washed the two windows in the kitchen. It really is an easy task with windows that easily let you get to both sides by "swinging" into the house. The hardest part is taking the curtains down and then putting the curtains back up...didn't have to do that this time as I am changing the window treatments in our remodeled kitchen...whenever that finally happens. At least I am a little closer to being ready for the renovation! I'm ready...just depends on when the cabinets, etc. are ready! I'm trying to be patient!
After Woody did our shopping, he headed off to run errands with his friend who has no transportation. He didn't get home till after noon. I thought that I heard the mower running this afternoon, but when I asked Woody if he mowed today, he told me no that he had mowed some yesterday...guess I missed hearing the mower running then...because I didn't know that he had. This afternoon I got three t-shirts hemmed that I "had been meaning to" get hemmed for some time...they had been in a sewing "to-do" pile for quite a while. Well, I deleted them from that pile and they are now out away ready to be worn. When I was putting them away I realized that I have another one to had gotten put away and I forgot about needing to hem it. Maybe I'll prepare it for hemming after I post tonight's blog?