Monday, March 10, 2025

Presents, Calls, Texts, Breakfast, Shopping—Oh, My!

This has been truly a day of celebrating my birthday. I had texts greet me this morning and the greetings carried on the entire day. Jo treated me to a birthday breakfast at Coffee Break in Shelbyville this morning. We had such a good time chatting and catching up. After breakfast we walked around part of the square and checked out a couple of the shops. Jo found something in one of the stores and I found something in another. My purchase is in tonight's photo...the bunny cookie jar. The other day as I was getting out my Spring decorations and putting them around, I had the thought that I would like a rabbit cookie jar. I had looked online, but didn't find what I wanted. So today we were walking through an antique store and came upon shelves filled with cookie jars. I mentioned to Jo what I was looking for and she spotted this one on the very top shelf all the way to the back...pretty much blocked by one in front of it. Jo helped maneuver them around and was able to reach this one...and I decided that it was pretty much exatly what I wanted. So, I guess you could say that I bought myself a present. When I got home I opened my gift from Cheryl. I talked to her on the phone while I opened it. Then before I hung up (We talked quite a while!), the mail carrier placed another gift on the front porch. It was from Connie. I walked out to the mailbox and I found cards. I have a very nice array of cards lined up on my mantel. I talked to Nathan, Alex, Melany, Cheryl. I have had a ton of posts with wishes on Facebook. Then, when I went to prayer meeting tonight, I was sung to and was presented with some yummy cake. So it has been a very nice day...looks like I will make it through this day of turning 77...and, I just want to know how that number can be right!!!!!! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Ready to Spring Forward

It has been a very nice day. Melany and Wade arrived at lunch time. They brought lunch for us. We had homemade turkey soup and turkey salad and strawberry shortcake...all yummy. They left some leftovers so I will get to enjoy what they brought again. So Wade and I got in a prebirthday celebration. We had a nice visit after lunch. They are now safely back home. And, I'm settled in for the evening. After they left, I went around the house setting my clocks for tomorrow's time at the moment my mind is confused as to what time it clocks say one thing and my stove,phone and iPad say another, as they await an automatic update in time at 2am tomorrow. I wanted the clocks around me to read the new time so "maybe" I will believe them and go to bed at a normal time. I dread getting used to the time change...never easy! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

Friday, March 7, 2025


I have kept busy most of the day...woke up even earlier than yesterday. So I did doze a couple of times when I sat down for a rest. I got together a gift for a wedding shower that's on Sunday. It is a Kitchen Blessing Shower. I made a recipe of my dry rub that I made up usng several different dry rubs. I got a container to put the rub got that all put together and then typed up the recipe and got it to the right size to put on the recipe card. That all took a while...but the gift is to find a gift bag for it! I worked in the kitchen wiping off the counter tops before getting the rest of the Spring decorations placed in there. The Spring items are in put away the tissue, etc. that they were wrapped in. I need to get the dining room table uncovered as I am having guests tomorrow for lunch...Melany, Wade, and Erin...coming to celebrate my birthday (and, I guess Wade's...we share a birthday...though, hardly fair about his as they are bringing me he will probably have a hand in its preparation). I did a load of wash this afternoon and I made a pot of soup. I still have a little clean up in the kitchen. I did finish my sampler last night. I moved on and am working on my redwork Bristol sampler...going to stitch a little more on it before I get back to my Spring/March stitch (the kites). To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Just One of Those Days

I'm not sure that I ever totally woke up today! I have been sleepy all day and there is no telling how many times I have dozed off in my chair. First, I woke up pretty early...before 6am. I decided that I would go back to my stitching. As, before I went to sleep last night, I came really close to finishing the sampler. I got back to stitching before the sun rose and got all the sampler part done early in the morning. When I took a break, I just had the year and my initials to add at the bottom. I do have the year just have three letters left to stitch. I dozed off after I got the sampler part done. Slept for a while. When I woke up, I fixed my breakfast and ate it. I did a few things in the kitchen and brought a few more bunnies downstairs. At some point before lunch, I sat down to rest my back for a few minutes...and...once again dozed off. And, that is the way the day has a little...doze a little. I hope that I will be able to sleep tonight! I am close to finishing setting around spring things here and there in the rooms downstairs. So about ready to be able to put away the storage tubs that they were stored in. I went out and started the car to be sure that it was still alive. And, it started with no problem. While outside, I got the mail and put up my new spring yard flag that is tonight's picture. I switched spring for the winter doormat. So Spring is showing up at my house. I guess this evening I will stitch my initials and the sampler will be completed. HOpefully I will be able to stay awake to finish it...surely I will be able to keep awake after all the napping I have done today! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

March Winds Continue!

The March wind blew all night and a good part of the day...continuing still, but they seem to be lessening in strength. The temeratures are dropping...supposed to go down to 30° over night. Back and forth is the way "things" go at this time of the year! It's nice to see the pretty daffodils, jonquils, crocus, Dutch iris, and hyacinths are looking pretty as they peek their little heads up. Today the bunny's upstairs started hopping downstairs...also found a few more downstairs hiding out. I did a little cooking. I cooked two pork to eat this week and one went into the freezer. I also made gravy which I need when I make enchiladas. I got home from church a little while ago. I was a bit later tonight as I had a problem getting my car started. But in the end I think that it wasn't a problem...just a feature to keep the battery from running down. I went out and got in the car after the Bible study. I put the key in the ignition, but didn't turn the car on, as I wanted to wait till some of the cars in the parking lot left before I backed up. I feel uncomfortable even with the back-up camera when it is dark and lots of families with young children are loading up into their vehicles. Anyway, having the key just in the ignition had things turned on. I think that after a few minutes and I hadn't started the car, it shut down. When I tried to start it, it didn't respond. I should have waited a few minutes more, but I knew that I needed to get back inside the church before the doors got locked and before most had left. I called Kathy, but wasn't thinking that we were out sooner than they get out of their church...but I knew that I could wait till they got out as long as I could wait inside out of the cold. But I found someone that I know who I was sure could jump my car...I have jumper cables...just needed someone with a vehicle and the know how! He headed off to get his truck and meet me where my car was. I headed back to my car. Abigail met me in the hallway, as Kathy had called her. Abigail babysits at our church on Wednesdays. She said that she would take me home, if I didn't get it started. I headed out to my car and decided to try it one more time...and it started with no problem. It started about the time my rescuer pulled up next to my car...but I headed him off and told him that I had gotten it started. I think under different circumstances I would have sat there longer and turned it off and tried again after a few minutes...but jumped the gun since the church was clearing out! Oh, well...alls well that ends well! I have had a bite of supper and now plan to do some stitching...I am very close to finishing a sampler. Now...close doesn't always take just a little while. I may have a couple of more hours of stitching left on it...but at the point it is...I can see the finish...just takes longer than it seems it should when it is this close! Ready to pick up my needle! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The March Wind Doth Blow!

It has really been windy for a good part of the day...just as predicted. When I came home from working in the church library, the wind speed was 25mph. Donna and I had a good work time in the library. We almost always have a mystery to solve each time we work...and, today was no exception. We are weeding books and decided to remove a whole series of books along with others. When deleting them from the computer, I was "told" that they had already been deleted...all four of them. Neither of us can figure out how they were back on the markings that we always put on them when we delete books or anything...looked just like a book that is supposed to be on the shelf...that's one library mystery that we will probably never solve...oh, well, all four of them are now definitely discarded! I have done a little Spring decorating as tonight's photo shows...only a little more than this. I did put a couple of other things here and there in the kitchen. I decided to cut some of my daffodils as the wind was knocking them to the ground and then I knew that if it rains as expected that they would be beaten down even more. I decided that I would enjoy them in all their beauty inside my house...such a pretty bright spot in my kitchen! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!