Thursday, October 17, 2024

Look Who Is 21!

Today is Abigail's "real" birthday. I wished her a happy birthday on her party day this past Saturday. So she gets a double wish on my blog! Look how happy a 21-year-old is with a dryer for a gift!!!! I texted with Abigail today and they didn't get to be able to move in to their new home today...her birthday wish! They do have their water hooked up. But now they are waiting on an electric meter...might not happen till next week. She says that it is "ok" but I know that they have to be a little disappointed. Today has been another cooler day...starting out around 32° and the high only got to the lower 60s. Yesterday, figuring that it might get cold enough to get the basil and the coleus, I trimmed a few stems from each and brought them in to root. The question is...will they make it through the winter so I can plant them next year. Depends on my dedication to watering them over the winter! Today was another day to take it easy around the house...trying to get up some energy in these cooler temperatures. It seems that my mind (and body) just wants to sit and read. So read I did! I finished a book that I started a couple of days ago. It was a fast read. I have also been reading on a nonfiction book that is NOT fast reading. I did do a load of wash and have just about gotten it all put away...still a few pieces spread out on the couch to take upstairs the next time I go up. Tomorrow will be an early day out and about. I have an early appointment with my personal care physician in the morning. I will have to leave the house much earlier than I would choose normally! And, tomorrow's low is supposed to be 33°...definitely I would rather stay all wrapped up in my afghan in my recliner. But guess I will HAVE to make myself get up and out the door! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

It’s Weally Wednesday

I have sort of taken it easy today. It was a cold morning and I decided it was a good day to stay under a couple of afghans and read for a while after I woke up. I have talked to friends and my sister on the phone. I did a little cooking...more reading...and then headed off this evening for Bible study at church. I am home and glad to be in for the night. It got down to 32° overnight and is supposed to go that low again. I'm not ready for the cold nor for it getting dark so early. By the time we came out from Bible study (6:30pm), it was already dark. I'm ready to sit and stitch and watch a little TV. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Totally Tuesday

I have definitely come to the end of my energy for this day. I am guessing that the earliness of my first awakening time may have something to do with it. I awakened at 4am and then ended up reading for a while till I was sleepy again...which happened about sun up time. I did go back to sleep for a couple of hours. After I got up, I sort of went about the house in slow motion. I did a little picking and straightening up. Looked up a couple of recipes, trying to decide what recipe I am going to cook next. By the time I did whatever little I did this morning, it was time for lunch and then time to go to the church library. Donna and I completed processing the last books from the last order. We got those put on the shelves and then got to looking at the shelves. We realized that once again space is at a premiun and in order to be able to put away some of the older new books that we needed to shift books on shelves to make space. Then we decided that it was time to do some book weeding. We took quite a few from the shelves that were really old and hadn't been checked out in years and pulled them off the shelf. Donna deleted them from our computer card catalogue and did the first step of preparing them to be able to discard them and not have them find their way back to our library. Inevitably discarded books do, at times, find their way back to our shelves. Today we had an example of this with one of the books. When Donna, pulled up one of the book numbers, the computer told her that it had been previously deleted...but we had just pulled it off the shelf and it had its card in it and had no markings that indicated that it had been deleted previously. We have not a clue...but guess that this time we will hope to do a better job of deleting it permanently! When I got back home, I got all the inside wastebaskets gathered and emptied them into the kitchen wastebasket. Got all that out to the big trash can and rolled it to the road. Took a couple of collapsed cardboard boxes to the curb and that about does my recycle and trash duties for this week. The mailperson must be really running late today, as she hadn't made it to my mailbox when I checked around my thank yous were still waiting for her to pick them up. I guess there was a lot of mail to handle today since it didn't run Sunday or Monday. I did catch a glipse of her truck one time...but it was heading away on the opposite side of the street rather than coming my way. I guess I will get today's mail tomorrow, as it is getting pretty dark out there now. And, I know that there wasn't much of any import coming my way today. I am informed early each morning, as to what will appear in my mailbox, if anything. That's something that I just recently signed up for and it does come in handy. I now know whether there is a reason to go out to the mailbox...if I don't get advised as to what is coming then I assume that there is nothing and don't go out to check. They don't show me advertising flyers so once in a while there is something...but nothing that can't wait for another day. Our temperatures seem to be dropping. Our overnight low was in the mid 30s. I don't think that I am ready for cold temperatures! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday Musings

Tonight's photo is from The Gospel Family Farm (aka Nathan & Kathy & family's farm). This is a photo of Halo and her calf, Harmony...pretty much Esther's pride and joy! I have just returned from prayer meeting. We moved the time again to a little later thus I am a little later posting. I was determined that today would be the day that I would have all my thank yous written...before the mail came...well, I didn't realize till this afternoon that that could have meant sometime before tomorrow's mail comes. It's Columbus mail! Well, at least all those envelopes are in the mailbox and ready for pick up tomorrow! Task completed. That task about wore me out. I am ready for a recliner and my book or TV and my stitching! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Happy Birthdays, Joy and Abigail!

Since it is Joy's actual birthday, I will put her name first, though she is the younger. Joy turned 19 today and Abigail's 21st birthday is in five days. So a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both! A bunch of us had lunch at Nathan and Kathy's, then gifts for both girls, and then birthday brownies and ice cream. After lunch, Nathan, Kathy, Elijah, and I headed out to Payton's and Abigail's new home with Payton and Abigail close behind. They still can't live there...still no water or electricity...but getting closer. Abigail is hoping by her birthday, on Thursday, they will be living there! They have started moving things in. We took one of Abigail's BIG birthday presents, a dryer, out to their house along with some other things. Abigail is so excited to finally get to place their wedding gifts throughout their new home! The house is really nice and they got quite a lot done even while we were there. When we left, Nathan hauled off a lot of empty boxes to free up more floor space! It was fun to see it take shape and see them moving furniture, etc. into "just the right places!" They are excited, to say the least! After the new home tour, I am home again, home again...ready to settle in for the night. Time to read my Sunday School lesson! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

Friday, October 11, 2024


First thing I did this morning was finish the book I was reading. I was getting close to the due date, when it would be whisked away into cyberspace so needed to get it read. Then later I began running errands. I had to stop at the pharmacy and pick up one of my prescriptions...had to look around! They are getting ready for their Christmas Open House that happens next month. I was there when they switched the music over to Christmas...not so sure about that! But I will say that it always makes me start getting into the Christmas mood when I go into their store and start seeing all the Christmas things being put on display. They have lots of pretties/temptations! My next stop was the Credit Union...had to get some birthday money for two special girls! Then it was a stop at JoAnn's as I needed some cording to make pipimg for the Christmas stockings that Melany needlepointed and I will finish into stockings. That was a successful found a couple of other things! Then it was off to WalMart...ugh!!!! They are remodeling out WalMart and all I can say is what a nightmare...nothing is where it used to be. I finally found the two items on my list and I got out as fast as I could...even to the point of self-checking out (which isn't my favorite thing to do). I had considered stopping at Kroger, but at that point I was over wanting to do any more errands and I have plenty of food to get me through the weekend. I'm still trying to use what is in the I won't starve...guaranteed!!! Once home, I had lunch and then the rest of the day I didn't accomplish much, though I did talk to Cheryl, Connie, and Marie. I have had lots of texts from Melany keeping me posted on the happenings of her Fall break. While in JoAnn's I had a call from Nathan needing an answer to a question. So I have had a busy day of keeping up with family and friends...always a good thing! Maybe I will get some stitching in tonight...last night I decided to read instead of stitch. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!