Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Whee! A piggy back ride!

This is Hopper. Hopper lives next door...guess you could call him our "grandtoad!" He is quite fond of lightning bugs/fireflies. He loves to eat them and then he glows! I wish that I could get a picture of the glow...but so far haven't been successful at snapping it at just the right time. Kathy has gotten him glowing with their video camera. He will glow in his mouth and then in his belly. It is quite a sight! This lightning bug is getting the best of Hopper...getting a ride and keeping out of the way of Hopper's fast tongue! American toads are one of the few species that can eat lightning bugs as lightning bugs are poisonous.

Woody did sleep better as he took pain pills before going to bed last night. He went to work at his usual time, walked at lunch and got a hair cut after work (I didn't notice till he just told me...oops...not very observant!). I have been having technical difficulties trying to get a picture for tonight's that has been my focus!

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