Thursday, January 14, 2010

The "Three Litle Pigs!"

Not many can claim fame to being grandparents to "the" three little pigs! Meet Esther, Joy and Abigail! They were part of the a new juggling program that Nathan and Kathy and family presented at First Baptist during the Night In Bethlehem: A Living Nativity.
Here is a link to a preview of their new program based on The Prodigal Son:
Hope that this works...posting a link on the blog is something new for me to try.
Woody got up early, headed to work, and did walk at lunch today. He still doesn't feel all that great. He said that he feels light-headed at times. Since coming home he has been relaxing. Graham did come over for a short time to continue their Monopoly game...they are probably a little closer to Woody wiping Graham out...or so Woody claims! I have had a busy day again time to work on undecorating the tree so far today.

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