Thursday, June 10, 2010

Successful Surgery!

Woody left his room around 11am and then was in the "holding" room for about an hour and a half. First the operating room wasn't ready, then they changed their mind about the type of anesthesia he was going to have, then just before going in for surgery he got up to go potty and somehow his IV became uncapped and blood went every where...I was not one of the targets! Major bio-hazard? I don't think that the custodian was really happy with what he had to clean up! There were a lot of conversations about how they would position him for the surgery...had to be careful of the left they decided that they would tuck it up close to his body. He had to be placed face down...that was the reason that the anesthesia was changed...the anesthesiologist hadn't realized the position that he would be in. Then we had to go over the fact that he is allergic to adhesives. Finally around 12:30pm they took him back for surgery. I got called back to the recovery room around 4pm. He was in quite a bit of pain when I first got to see him, but they gave him pain medication in his IV and in not too long of a time his pain was eased. I think that he got to the recovery room around 3:30pm. He was back in his room before 5pm.
The surgeons came in to talk to us before I left for the evening. They said that the surgery was successful. I think that this tumor was larger than the one they removed last month. I guess we will say a large apricot or a small peach. It was embedded in the muscle over his scapula. His incision is 4 or 5 inches long...sort of surpentined (I think)...I only looked at it once (really didn't look all that bad for such a new incision)! All sutures will dissolve and he has "glue" over the drains. Easy nursing this time! They said that if all continues to go well that he can be dismissed from the hospital tomorrow. We will stay at the hotel at least tomorrow night and "play it by ear" as to whether we need to stay any longer.
About his allergy to adhesives...the surgeon said that they were all impressed when they moved one of the EKG leads as to how it left a big red circle and it hadn't been on long at all.
When I left tonight, Woody was back to working a crossword puzzle and waiting for his supper...when I got back to the hotel and called him, he was still waiting for his supper...he was starting to get worried about it arriving. He was ready to eat his first meal of the day!
Tonight's blog picture is the shuttle that I take. It's rounding the curve at the point that it picks me up in the mornings and drops me off in the evenings. Tonight, while I blog, I'm eating a Caesar salad and a cup of white bean and spinach soup...oh, and they brought me some bread tonight, too. Tastes pretty good to have a "real" meal as I pretty much just snacked during the day today.
Hopefully Woody will be out of the hospital, when I blog tomorrow night. We appreciate all the thoughts and prayers. They were felt!


  1. Wishing both of you a restful night and continued good news tomorrow!

  2. Lois I'm glad all went well with the surgery! Hope Woody has a easy recovery!.. Hugs MM
