Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Terrific Tuesday

Christmas ornaments, antiques, lunch, and cheese...those words sum up my day. I asked Woody what he had done today and he said "well, I didn't go gallivanting." Well, to sum up my day...I did go gallivanting. I met up with friends this morning and we drove over to Shelbyville...not far from Tullahoma...but what a fun place to spend time poking around...I went places that I had never been before even though it is so close! Our first stop was the Co-op. I was told to be amazed and amazed I was! There were ever so many Christmas trees just loaded with ornaments. The inventory at this co-op is unbelievable...and, not just Christmas things. I ended up with just what I don't need...a couple more ornaments for our Christmas tree which needs no more (I will remember that when I am taking them off after Christmas...but I just couldn't resist a couple more!)! I also bought a Christmas present there. Next we headed to the downtown historic square. We parked and then started checking out the various stores there. We ate lunch at a little Italian restaurant. Then we went on down the street and checked out other stores...antique and sweet shops. Then we headed back toward Tullahoma making a couple of stops on the way back home...at the Bedford Cheese Store (I came home with a cheese that we hadn't tried before...Havarti.) and at another antique store. What a fun day. I was definitely ready to plop when I got home!

Woody said that he finished two more books while I was away...he is really plodding through that stack of books on the TV tray next to his recliner. He has also compiled a list of books that I am to see if we have at the church library. He was watching baseball when I got home. He left a little while ago...walking to the church for his time in the prayer room. I told him to be careful...this is the route that he took when he fell the other day.

When I got home I found that a dear friend had brought a "soft meal"...potato soup and pumpkin bread. Yum! So Woody even got a meal despite my gallivanting (usually when I go off like this he has to scrounge)! Woody is still very appreciative of soft food as his mouth remains pretty sore.

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