Sunday, February 27, 2011

Compost Boy's Alter Ego Turns 9!

Big day! Woody and I went to the 8:30 service and then on to Sunday School. We both taught our respective classes. Then we headed home...but not before I was serenaded with "Grammy, Grammy, Grammy" coming across the church parking lot! Nathan and the kids were in their van waiting for Kathy and they decided to chant my name over and over again...of course their daddy did open windows so they could be heard. After I spoke to all of them, I headed to our car and Woody and I headed home. We hadn't been home too long before we got a call saying that it was time for Graham's birthday lunch. After everyone cleaned their plates (or came close to cleaning their plates) we all got birthday cupcakes and ice cream. Graham made the cupcakes all by himself and he and Abigail frosted them last night while we were taking care of the crew. Yummy...chocolate cake, chocolate icing...not Goosey's or Kathy's favorite...but definitely one of my favorites! Present time came after cake and ice cream. All the children were just about as excited as Graham. He was very happy with his gifts and set to playing with them as soon as all were opened. One of our gifts was the compost boy took me a year to "get around to" making it to go with his cape and shirts.

We came home after the party and plopped in chairs in the family room and about as soon as we plopped we both fell asleep. Woody definitely has the more comfortable chair. My arm/hand went to sleep and it took a long time for it to awaken! Woody has watched some TV today (I think basketball...I went down to ask him...but got no response...think that "maybe" he is resting his eyes?) He has also read this afternoon and evening. After my doze in the chair, I came upstairs and sewed for a while. I have a load of clothes in the washer...that's a sign that I'm getting ready to pack! I need to start gathering this point the guest bed (where I pack) still has nothing on it. Hopefully I can say that I'm finished packing when I blog tomorrow night. Woody is still coughing...but both of us "think" that he is doing better.

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