No rhyme nor reason for tonight's blog picture...just started looking through my "archives" for a picture and came across this one in my miscellaneous folder and thought that I hadn't posted anything like this before so decided to use it. One day some time back when Woody and I took one of our walks we walked out in a field and these flew over in formation...probably an air show at Tullahoma's air field that day.
Today started out quite wet. We had a lot of rain in the early hours and some thunder boomers. We ended up getting 1.33 inches of rain! More drinks for the flowers and vegetables and trees and bushes! Woody got up early and read. He ran an errand in the late morning...went to the Credit Union and then on to the grocery store. He needed an ingredient for his Peasant Salad ("Soggy Bread Salad") and he also picked up a couple of this weeks grocery sale items. Then he came home and made Peasant Salad. I got up and started in on Esther's dress...putting in the sleeves. I only got started an there was a "tap-tap" on our front door. It was Joy, Esther, and Elijah. They were bringing us cucumbers from their garden. Joy planted the seeds for the cucumbers and they are quite prolific. They came in for a little while. Esther went home, but Joy and Elijah stayed a while longer. Joy decided that she wanted stories. She went upstairs and got some of our books that I "once upon a time" read to her daddy and her Aunt Melany when they were little. I think that I ended up reading seven of them before they got the call home for lunch...well, Elijah decided that he wanted to go home before we finished reading so he headed over to his mommy who was waiting on their front porch for him. After Joy went home, I went back to work on Esther's dress and have worked on it most of the rest of the day. I was determined that I would have the buttons all sewn on before blogging and I met that goal...that means the only things left to sew are the hem and perhaps a snap, The hem has been pinned up and basted around the bottom and top of it, and really the only thing left is the hand hem stitching. Perhaps I will get a few pictures of it on the model tomorrow! A little after supper I got sleepy so flopped down and read and rested my eyes for a few minutes. I guess while I rested Woody headed off to walk to church for his time in the prayer room.
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