Thursday, December 15, 2011

'Tis the Season!

Woody woke up really early and headed out on a walk. He knew that it was supposed to rain so headed out before the rain started. Today was the last day for school for this year/semester for me. We had a good day. Elijah came over first and enjoyed his time and then Esther and then Joy. Joy opted to read her reading book assignment to Goosey today. So I ended up starting sewing early with Abigail which let her finish her last placemat. So as of noon today she had made six placemats for her family this school year. She did a very good job and has learned a lot about sewing while doing them. As soon as I ate lunch I started in on some Christmas sewing and pretty much stayed at it all the rest of the afternoon. I did stop long enough to go pick up something that I needed at the quilt shop. After supper I talked to Melany for a while. Wade picked up Erin Tuesday so she is home from college for the rest of the holidays. Alex finished school today. So looks like it is 'tis the season for everyone's school to be winding down. After I talked with Melany I went back to my sewing project and got to a good stopping place and decided to take a break. I sat down in the recliner in our bedroom to read...well, I guess I dozed off and just woke up a few minutes ago...guess I needed a power nap! We've had a little over a half an inch of rain so far today. Guess it is time for me to head back to the sewing machine...'tis the season!

1 comment:

  1. I truly enjoy your blog! Love hearing your day-to-day goings on. You do a great job. Your daily activities make me tired, however. You spur me on to do more. 'Tis the season makes me want to tell you how much the memories of yester-year makes me smile. Thanks! You and your family are a huge part of who I am. Love to your family.
