At the rate that I'm going I may never get Christmas put away! Today I continued to take boxes downstairs and slowly fill some up with Christmas and take them back upstairs to join the others in the hallway. Then I decided that I wanted to work on the kitchen...most of the decorations are out of the kitchen (just a few Christmas serving dishes on the kitchen table). It is an easier room to undecorate as I mainly just have trees and a few other Christmas figurines intermingled with the decorations that were already above my kitchen cabinets. I have to redo some of the decorative items that are up there due to the siding workers knocking down some of the things. Well, I haven't redone the things up there for a while...which means that there is quite a lot of dust up there. So I have been rearranging and dusting and wiping down the top of the cabinets. The "theme" in our kitchen is apples. I have a LOT of apples due to being a teacher for so long so I use a lot of them up there. I also have a LOT of recipe books. Some of them are quite old as are the ones that are tonight's picture. These three cookbooks were my grandmother's (my mother's mother). One has a date of 1917 and another 1934 and one doesn't have a date...but it does have recipes for Depression Sponge Cake and Economy Chocolate Cake...which definitely dates it from 1929 to sometime in the 30's. Several of the recipes have check marks next to them which means that she had made them. One recipe has a note next to it "try this." I do the same thing to my recipes...check marks or x's and sometimes I leave a comment to try a recipe. Most of the recipes in these old cookbooks aren't ones that you can prepare today as measurements and ingredients have changed over the years. But I am glad to have some of her cookbooks and enjoy looking at them on the top of my cabinets along with apples and other cookbooks and today enjoyed looking through them again.
Woody still feels weak and shaky but not having much pain. He ran a quick errand shortly after lunch. Then tonight he went to Monday night prayer meeting and visitation. We both spent time this morning on the phone trying to get our TVA energy reinspection set up. Some how paper work seems to have slipped through the cracks somewhere between Tullahoma and TVA energy folk. We do know that they have received the fax that our air conditioning company sent today. TVA is processing it and are supposed to call us in the morning to set up a reinspection time. Maybe that energy evaluation will be behind us shortly. We're also hoping that we will in the near future have our hail damage work completed...something on that is supposed to happen tomorrow...time will tell and I'll tell tomorrow night if it does happen. I would get farther in my undecorating "if" I didn't have to cook and/or clean! Today I made our Shanghai Pork Stew. One of my favorites.
Tomorrow I guess I will have to make hotel reservations for our next trip to NIH...four months have passed!
That's why it takes so long to clean - we have to stop and look at neat stuff. lol But that's what makes cleaning bearable. Glad Woody is some better.