Saturday, July 28, 2012

Subtly Saturday

Woody got up early and walked seven miles.  He later went to the library, made a hospital visit, made a stop at the grocery store and also the fruit and veggie market  He has watched a library DVD or two and has read.  I got up and finished a book so Woody could take it back to the library.  I have since started another book. My major effort of the day was to give the dining room a good vacuuming and dusting and polishing. While I dusted I listened to some Aesop's Fables and then started listening to The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. When I finished in the dining room, I came back upstairs and read and also watched the latest episode of Project Runway. I'm still unhappy about not being able to watch the Olympics.  I have checked out the US medal count a couple of times today and have read an article or two about our athletes.  I sort of feel cut off from the least the Olympic world!  It just seems so surreal that all previous Olympic years (old technology) I have been able to watch and now with all the new technology...even with our updated computers...I am unable...oh, not to dwell on it!  And, now...back to Project Runway on my iPad (on a network that we don't "subscribe" to) and my reading!

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