Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Real Handful Now!

Esther-Noel Rose Dorrell turned five yesterday and today we had her presents and cake and ice cream.  A fun time was had by all...or so it seemed!  It's always a party next door...or at least they are always ready for a party!  The top photo on the left is Goosey (Woody) and Esther discussing whether she needed spanks for her birthday...Goosey said FIVE...her daddy said SIX (one to grow on)...and Esther said "NO spanks!"  The photo of Elijah sort of in the middle shows the present he brought in near the end of the party...a dead cicada!  The photo on the bottom right shows the "life of the party!"  How Goosey could doze off with all that was going on around him is beyond really was at the end of the party (for him for sure)!  He really was awake for most of it...he saw presents opened and enjoyed cake and ice cream!  I guess he got up too early to walk his five miles today! He also took Esther to the library this morning so she could check out books with her very own library card that she got yesterday because she is age for library cards in Tullahoma! (Collage is clickable so it can be seen larger.)

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