Saturday, October 6, 2012

Settling In...again!

It's strange how being away for five days seems to put me into a time warp...and it is hard to get settled back into routine again.  On top of being away and not feeling great, I've pretty much just puttered around with a little of this and a little of that.  I have just about got the suitcase unpacked...still a couple of things in it.  But do have all the clothes out and in piles "to be washed."  I have done one load and it is now in the drier.  When I go back downstairs...perhaps...I'll take the next load with me.  I have also worked some with the photos that I took on the trip (not as many this time as I usually reason...the weather wasn't the greatest...and, another...I slept through most of the return trip thanks to not much snapping of photos out the car window while speeding by things at 70 mph!  Tonight's photo is one of the ones that I snapped out the car window on our first day out...lots of low lying clouds over the Blue Ridge Mountains...rather picturesque!  I also posted a few photos (one being the one above) on FaceBook today...something that I don't usually do since I post a photo here each night.  But I was trying out a way to upload photos from my iPad and then decided to upload a few from my laptop to see how it is done with FaceBook these days.  I am still barking (coughing)...just sort of feel crummy...I have that "big head" feeling that I get when I have allergy and sinus problems.  I did make a pot of chili this evening...hoping that it will be good for what ails me.  Plus it has gotten a bit chilly here so it just felt like it was time for our first pot of chili of the season. And, it does taste good.

Woody got up and walked seven miles.  Then later in the morning he walked to the library.  And, then in the late afternoon he walked four miles.  I guess he is trying to make for all the walking that he missed while we were away. He has watched some, a library DVD, etc. and he has read.  So I guess all-in-all one can say that we are settling back into a routine after being away.

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