Sunday, January 6, 2013


Look who will turn one this week! He's peeking at you! I just got home from taking care of Isaac while the rest of the family went to the evening activities at church. We had a good time...especially once Grammy found his blankie! Woody got up and walked six miles before church this morning. We went to the early service and then we both taught our respective Sunday School classes. We came home and I made one of the new recipes...really good! Pasta with Zesty Pecan is a keeper...already added to my recipe app in the iPad. It was very quick and easy and very tasty. I headed into the sewing room this afternoon and started working on something to go with the dolls' nightgowns...slippers (a surprise that the girls don't know about...nor do their dolls!). Aunt Melany gave the girls each a pair of shoes for their dolls. Joy got bunny slippers for hers so I decided that the other dolls need slippers too and since there is a pattern for them I am attempting to make them (adapting the pattern as I go as I think that there is a better way than the pattern instructions tell you to do them...hope that I don't get myself in trouble! But if my way doesn't work, I do have plenty of fabric to do them another way! So far so good, though!). This afternoon Woody went to the deacons' meeting and then this evening he went to the evening service. I am thinking about cutting back a bit in my blogging...taking Sundays off (after all, Sunday is a day of rest!). If anything extraordinary happens on Sunday, I will fill you in on Monday! I'm going to give this a try at least...habits of daily blogging for four years may die hard...might even cause withdrawals!!!! So this will be the last Sunday least for a while!

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