Friday, October 4, 2013

Booby Trapped!

Thanks to Auntie Cheryl (my sister) the children had a grand time today when a package arrived for them from her. They found a kit to make masks and also this wonderful spider webbing and several other fun things! They came running over to our house with their masks on begging us to come out to see something really big! And, it was this spider webbing stretched out all over their yard! So beware if you are in our neighborhood! This stuff can be treacherous to walk through...just ask Isaac! I couldn't resist posting the bottom photo of sweet Isaac sitting on their front porch steps examining his mask. We have had a busy day. Elijah woke me up a bit earlier than is my habit. Woody said that he had been holding him at bay for quite a while. I asked Elijah what time it was and he said, "Time to wake up!" and he turned on the light in our bedroom. It was about 7:15. They were all up early this morning and had already had breakfast! I think that their internal clocks are still on Uganda time! Woody went to the chiropractor this morning. Then when he came home, he and Graham went off trying to find and price the items that they will need to make a Martin birdhouse. While they were gone, I went next door to babysit while Nathan and Kathy ran a few errands before they had to pack up and head Kentucky way for another ministry opportunity. Hardly home a day-and-a-half and they were on the road again. They went off this afternoon minus one child. Graham is staying with us till they return the middle of next week. Graham is enrolled in an aviation day camp this coming week so in order for him to attend he needed to stay with us. As soon as he packed up a bag and did a few of his home chores, he and I headed over to our house. Not long after he stepped in the door, he and Goosey headed out the door to do our weekly grocery shopping. I asked Graham what sounded good and he said, "Broccoli!" Not a problem...he can have all the broccoli that he wants! Woody made us vegetarian burritos this of Graham's favorites (they have broccoli in them). He is in charge of making those when they do their "once-a-month cooking" next door. So we have had supper and Graham has had his bath. So he is pretty much ready to hit the hay any time that Uganda time catches up with him! He is learning to tie knots at the moment. He has the game that was one of the pickle presents this past Christmas that entails knot tying. He also has a Boy Scout, a Girl Scout, and a Royal Ambassador manual out to see if they show any other knots to tie. If I don't blog tomorrow night, you will know that I am tied up!!!!!!!

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