Saturday, November 2, 2013

Back View!

Here's the view when we step out our back door. Not bad! Such a pretty day! Neither Woody nor I slept very well last night. So, at least for me, it has been a rather "in and out" day...napping here and there. Part of my reason for not sleeping was that I was reading a good book and was never at a good place to put it down! I'm about finished with it so the book shouldn't keep me awake tonight. Woody did the other part of our weekly grocery shopping this morning (WalMart, yesterday and Kroger, today). Mid-morning he walked to and from the library. I have done very little of this and very little of that. I do have the rest of Abigail's pattern pieces traced off and I did some laundry. And, I did a bit of napping! The children have been in and out today. Joy came over to plan something that she wants to make for Esther for Christmas. I think that what she wants to do will work so we will begin on that once she finishes the pin cushion that she is making for her school sewing project with me. Busy days ahead! Trying to motivate myself into Christmas spirit, I did listen to a little Christmas music this morning...not much...still having trouble realizing what month is here! Well, speaking about our house back view is a bit of a reminder that we need to set our clocks back an hour. Hooray...I move an hour closer to AZ tomorrow! I have fixed the clocks to look around the upstairs and see what needs to be reset up here. Time change is so confusing! I'll be confused for days!

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