Saturday, November 15, 2014

Uh, Oh!

Look what Joseph discovered he could do at Grammy and Goosey's today (with Abigail and Joy's encouragement)!  Abigail and Joy were so excited when he made it to the top.  I'm not sure that Joseph's mommy and daddy will be as excited!

Woody headed off this morning on his Saturday routine--the library and Walmart.  I was lazy this morning and slept in.  Well, I will confess that I probably stayed up too late last night reading the book that I started yesterday.  For lunch I made dressing to go with the chicken leftovers from my time in the kitchen yesterday.  I made up the "recipe" for this dressing as I went along.  I wanted to use up some stuffing cubes that I had made and frozen a while back.  I didn't want to use them at Thanksgiving because I was afraid that they might taste stale (which they didn't).  I sauteed onions, mushrooms, apples, and fresh cranberries.  For part of the liquid I used orange juice...ended up tasting quite good.  This afternoon I talked to Melany and my sister.  So for me it has pretty much been a "sit-around-and-not-do-a-whole-lot" kind of day.  I did pin Melany down as to when they could come for our family Thanksgiving.  We will celebrate on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Woody went for a four mile walk this afternoon. He has read and watched football and some library DVD's.

It hasn't been as chilly today.  Lots of yard work being done in our neighborhood...including our yard and the neighbor's (Nathan and Kathy's).  Nathan and Kathy and some of the children have worked really hard at getting leaves blown out to the road in front of both our houses once again.  Yards looked great as the sun set...wonder if they will be full of leaves by morning. Hopefully the wind won't blow much overnight.  It actually got into the 40's today and it is heading into the mid 30's as I type.  Maybe it won't be as cold overnight tonight as the last couple of nights.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy following your blog and seeing your pictures. Would love for you to share titles of books you read. I read a lot and am always looking for new inspiring authors.
    Thanks for sharing!
