Friday, February 20, 2015

Mixed Bag

Looks like the predictions have been pretty close to correct (snow turning to ice/freezing rain). Woody ventured out a little after noon on the walk to the drugstore to pick up one of my prescriptions. This was the first walk he had gone on in the last few days. It has just been too cold for him to venture out. Today's temperature was near freezing when he went a heat wave compared to the last few days! He said that there was a little precip when he was out there...little tiny balls of frozen precip. There is a name for these little "frozen balls" but my memory for the name has lapsed. I think that in an earlier blog I told their name...but today that name will just not come to this old brain. The first picture was taken a little after 2pm when the first burst of snow & more little white pellets started. Not long before this was taken the roads were totally black. So this was the start of the next winter activity for this week for Middle TN.
I was talking to Cheryl (my favorite, one and only sister) on the phone a little before five when I happened to look out and it was fast becoming a winter wonderland...big fluffy snowflakes were coming down. I snapped this next picture just prior to 5pm...pretty much the same view as I had taken a little after 2pm...note that the roads were at this point totally white. This next photo is what I didn't want to see...this is a picture out the same window which we can no longer see out of because it has now turned to sleet and frozen rain. What you are seeing on the window pane is frozen onto the pane. We really don't need an ice storm. There is one good thing that is promising...the temps are supposed to start rising and by sometime in the morning all this is supposed to turn to rain. So the build-up of ice won't be on trees and wires long...but how long is too long...well, time will tell. I look forward to the thaw that is predicted for middle TN over these next few days.
I had fun recording the progression of the latest winter storm to roll across our area...I played around with three of my cameras. Tonight's photos were taken by my newest camera...the top two and my oldest camera...the bottom. The middle picture was a still picture that I captured while taking a movie of the snow coming down. One thing that my new camera has is a setting to take pictures through glass...since all these were taken from inside that is a good feature to have. I took pictures with three cameras so I could compare images. I also did some wash today and worked some more on the Sunday School lesson for Sunday. I planned to do some sewing, but so far haven't as I started using my cutting table as a clothes folding table. "Maybe" before the evening is over I'll get around to spreading out the actual fabric for my next sewing project..."maybe" once I get this last load of wash folded.

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