Saturday, June 27, 2015

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Woody got up and walked eight miles. After he got back from his walk, he heard sirens and went out to investigate. A neighbor down the street had a grease fire. I hope that there wasn't too much smoke damage. Woody said that the firemen were blowing the smoke out of the house and that it really smelled strong. I guess that was the excitement in our lives today! I was upstairs in our room and heard the sirens, but didn't realize that they were that close. Later in the morning Woody went to WalMart, the library, and made a hospital visit. I spent the morning working on my blouse. It's still in pieces, but the interfacings have been basted in and all necessary markings have been made with tailor tacks. I think that I am ready to take it to the sewing machine. I completed tomorrow's Sunday School lesson before I went to sleep last night so my day has been pretty much freed up to do what I wanted/needed to do. I have done a couple of loads of wash...just need to put away what is in the drier now and put the other load in the drier. I also did some hand washing that I had been putting off for a while. Graham and Elijah came over in the late afternoon to show us how well they can fly their quadcopters since they had been practicing at their house. Esther came over and cross stitched for a while. We had BLT's for an easy meal. We had storms come through last night and it cooled things off. It barely made it to 80 pleasant when one walks outside. A nice break from the heat and humidity that we have been having.

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