Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Mid-Week Doings

It has been a usual Wednesday, busy day for both of us today. I had school this morning with Isaac. Since Joseph decided to play hooky, Isaac got his school time too. Isaac thought that it was funny for him to get two long times with Grammy in the same week! Elijah, Esther, and Joy each had their reading times. Today was Abigail's long time with me. She is making another zipper bag and this time I am taking pictures with the iPad for each of the steps, etc. We will put the photos into a document and print it out for her sewing notebook. That way she will have a reminder of the steps when she comes over and I'm not home to get her into my iPad. She has made quite a few, but the last time there was quite a bit between when she had made her last she got a bit confused when she tried to branch out on her own and make one when I wasn't home. She has a video that she watches that shows her how...but when Grammy's iPad can't be opened without a password that video isn't of much help! While I was having school, Woody headed off for his mid-week grocery excursion. He went to Aldis and Kroger. He used to just go to Kroger on Wednesday, but now that we have an Aldis he likes to stop there first and check out whatever happens to be a good buy before he goes to Krogers. He got home with the groceries before Abigail came over for her time so I was able to put away the cold things and a few other items. After lunch, I headed off to the church library to work for a couple of hours. Once again, Donna, Fran and I got quite a bit done and didn't open up too many "cans of worms!" I did come across one library just wouldn't be a library work day without at least one mystery of where a book is or where its check-out card is or...! Woody went on a four-mile walk while I was at the library. I was pretty glad to get home and find "my chair." Woody cooked some pasta to go with the leftover pasta sauce I made earlier in the an easy supper! And, all I want to do tonight is head back to my chair as soon as I hit the publish button on this blog! Only about three ornaments taken off the tree today...not enough to count. And, tonight not enough energy to go find even one more! At this rate March 1 will be here and I will still be on my ornament hunt...I hope not! I'm not even sure that I have enough energy to pick up my needle tonight. I have made some more progress on the sampler...but that continues to be slow progress, also. I keep having to do "reverse stitching" (another name for picking out stitches). I don't know if it would be worth even trying tonight since I am so tired! Tired = asking for stitching problems!

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