Saturday, April 15, 2017

Much Mulch!

Woody got his six-mile walk in this morning before he had to watch for the mulch delivery. It got delivered and Woody has made a start at getting it spread...a bucket at a time. I just wish that the oak wasn't dropping its froo froos or blooms or whatever they are really called. We will be covered in them for a few weeks to come. There will be a point that these oak droppings will totally cover the driveway...they will have to be swept or shoveled away. Mulching all the gardens is quite a job. What Woody did today is only the tip of the proverbial iceburg! We didn't get quite as much mulch as we have at some times because we had to be sure that it didn't block the garage door. Woody expects that he will have to order another load before he is done. Woody also did some mowing today. I have cooked most of the day...for tomorrow. We are having a non-traditional Easter meal...pasta. I made two different sauces and will cook two different pastas tomorrow. We are eating next door. All we have to do is take our part of the meal over there. I am really glad that I waited till today to do the cooking as my gout is a lot better. I guess that the rescue gout drug did its job...or at least this bout didn't stick around very long. It no longer hurts to use my hand. It only hurts when I extend my arm or bend it a lot. The swelling on my elbow is going down. It does hurt to touch my elbow...just found out! Today I witnessed a truly miraculous event...the birth of a giraffe calf...truly amazing. Yes, I got pulled into the April Giraffe hype...and have been following her for a while...checking in on her daily since about the beginning of March. I have learned a lot about giraffes and their plight as an endangered species. This morning I happened upon a live feed of April and realized that the little one was finally going to make its appearance. They announced a few hours later that it was a boy. I looked a little while ago and he was up skipping around the area...amazing that he was standing less than an hour after he was born and already cavorting around this evening. I understand that our youngest grandchild (Joseph 3)was traumatized by his visit to WalMart the Easter Bunny! Jospeh would not go into K-Mart till one of his family checked to make sure that there was no Easter Bunny! Wishing each of our readers Resurrection Sunday blessings.

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