Elijah caught a fly ball for an out at tonight's game. Kathy managed to move up to the fence just at the right moment. Goosey (Woody) had left the ball game to go to Monday night prayer meeting so Kathy sent the picture to us so Goosey could see it. I captured the picture from our email and used Kathy's photo for tonight's blog picture. This was the first time that Elijah caught a fly ball for an out. When Woody left to go to prayer meeting, he wasn't sure that Elijah's team would win this game...but they turned both their offense and defense around and ended up winning it handily...17-7. Way to go, Giants!
Woody started out the day taking advantage of last night's rain...he weeded and he said that we must have gotten a pretty good rain as weeding was made much easier by the wet ground. All the plants and flowers looked very happy today.
I had school with part of the crew today. Isaac and Joseph had their time. Then Elijah and Esther shared reading time so we could finish the book that we were reading together. Joy came over for her long time and got to work on another quilt square. Elijah chose to not have his long time today. He didn't have any projects that he was in the middle of and we finished the book. Since the school year is coming to a close this week, he chose to play outside and enjoy this pretty and cool day in May.
Woody went to Life Care and had Bible study with Jeff and then visited with church members who are there. He came home and made another recipe of his Crispy Quinoa Burgers (and smoked up the house , but good!). He went for a four-mile walk this afternoon.
I did a little work in the gardens mainly deadheading and a little weeding. I read for a while this afternoon and am almost finished with the book. I will go finish it after I publish tonight's blog.
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