Saturday, July 14, 2018

Quite a Job Ahead of Him!

Here's the pile of mulch that got delivered yesterday by this big dump truck.  Getting in and out of our narrow driveway is always a bit of a challenge for these dump truck drivers...they barely fit...but usually they do a pretty good job of backing in...don't run over too much of the gardens that run along the side.  Looks like the mulch pile sort of tipped the basketball goal backwards a bit!  We have to have them put the mulch as far as possible at the end of the driveway so we can get our car in and out of the garage.  I guess we will see how well they did placing it when Woody gets the car out in the morning. The car hasn't been used since they delivered yesterday. Woody got a start on mulching the gardens in the front today...has quite a ways to go till they are all done!  But gives something to do!

I spent part of the morning finishing up tomorrow's Sunday School lesson for my ladies' class.  Before I was finished, I had two little boys over asking me to come over to their house for a little while.  They wanted to show me a new Wii game they had gotten recently.  It is all a mystery to me as to just what they are doing as they jump characters across the big screen of their TV.  But they were happy just to be able to show me!  I stayed over there till Nathan and the Graham, Esther, and Elijah got home from running an errand.  Then I got busy on the lesson again.  I put the finishing touches on before noon.  Then I was free to do "whatever!"  I did finish another book.  So I'm down to two e-books and one in-hand book.  I did get a notification that the cyber library had purchased an e-book that I had recommended and that I am now on that list.  Hopefully I can get these two done before it is sent to me through cyberspace!  After I finished the book, I sort of put away my iPad as my eyes were bothering me...I don't know if I have been reading too much on a screen or if it is allergies or not getting enough sleep.  I just know that I have spent part of the afternoon just resting my eyes (didn't sleep, though).  Joy came over and asked me to shorten a pair of capris for her so I got busy on that.  I will finish them up as soon as I publish the blog.  I went down to make us some supper and Woody had already started one of "his" recipes so I left him to it.  I'll cook another day!  He has done his usual group of daily crossword puzzles, read, watched TV, played Scrabble with the computer and made his weekly trip to the library.  I have stayed in except for a trip to the garbage can to throw something away!  It is just too hot to spend much time outside especially with allergies perhaps trying to bother me!  When I came back in, the air conditioning surely did feel good! Well, I guess I had better go hem Joy's capris.  She asked me to have them ready tonight as she has a camp to attend starting tomorrow!

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