Wednesday, September 26, 2018

It's Fall Y'all!

It's beginning to look like Fall around our least on several tables.  Amongst these pumpkins there are some real ones...ones that we grew.  Isaac was not happy with the way I displayed one of the real pumpkins.  The yellowish one at the back...he said that the way I had it made it look like it was moldy!  There are some green bumps on it...I just thought that it added character but not in his six-year-old eyes!  So that one has been turned around so it shows the smooth side!  My newest pumpkin is the glass one in the middle.  Cheryl, my sister, gave that to us.  Today I had an interesting experience with attempting to order her a Fall gift.  I got a funny message after I "pushed" the place order button and I didn't know if it got ordered or not.  I ended up "live chatting" with one of the employees at the online catalog.  She ended up calling me and we ended getting it straightened least I think that it is.  I've told Cheryl to be on the look out for a contains her fall gift and my niece's birthday present.  The way that I found out that the order had gone through was that our Credit Union account showed the order in the list of outgoing funds!  So I think that it will be winging its way towards Arizona!

Today has been a VERY rainy day!  Woody checked the rain gauge a little while has stopped raining at least for the moment...and we had gotten FOUR inches!  It actually poured from the very early hours of the morning on through the rest of the morning.  I decided that we could have a day off from the library.  In the end it wasn't actually raining when it would have been time to go to the library, but I enjoyed the day off. I ended up doing a little cooking.  I tried to replicate a dish that I had as a child...Chicken and Noodles...not a soup, but chicken and noodles in a thicker "sauce."  I was successful in making a tasty dish, though not exactly the taste that I remember...but it was that is what counts.  Woody even had a little and I think that he had a bite or two of chicken.  It was mostly noodles, carrots, celery (thanks to the "store" next door), onion, red, yellow, and orange peppers, and garlic in a sauce made from chicken broth with a little shredded chicken added.  Explanation about the "store" next door: when the neighbors (Nathan and Kathy) or us need something that is lacking in a recipe we go shopping at each others house to see if either of us might have the needed ingredient/s...this time celery.  Convenient when we aren't heading off to the grocery store.

Woody cooked one of our pumpkins today. We had one going bad so he cut it up, peeled it, boiled it and then pureed it in the food processor.  Now it is all ready to freeze and be ready for him to make pumpkin pudding or for me to make pumpkin pies.  And, Thanksgiving isn't all that far away. I realized what was happening to the year when I made a hair appointment yesterday.  I get my hair cut every five weeks...the next appointment is October 30th and the next is December 4th (say it isn't so!).  The year is just disappearing!  I'm trying to figure out why time seems to be flying...surely it isn't because I am getting old!?!

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