Thursday, March 28, 2019

Many, Many, Many Barns Later!

We saw so many barns today and we took a totally different route than we had ever taken new barns.  It was hard to choose one to post first, but I decided that I would post a red barn that is housing a boat!  I don't think that we have seen a boat in a barn on any of our trips in the past!  We had a very pretty day for our barn excursion...really delightful weather and pretty blue skies with just a few clouds every now and then.  We found a quaint restaurant/cafe to eat lunch.  I'm always on a quest to find a really good old-fashioned hamburger.  Today's fit that bill and their fries were nice and crispy...and HOT out of the frier!  For locals, we were mainly in Bedford County...we have blog readers who live fact, we passed by their road on our way to the country roads that we traversed today.  I have managed to download all my photos from the three cameras that I took with me today, but haven't had a chance to go through them all yet...but what I have seen, I'm pleased with.  We saw a variety of animals also.  I'll be posting some of their portraits along with the barns over the days to come.  Once again, I have quite a bit of new fodder to choose from for blog photos!  I guess tomorrow I will get back to painting!

Woody held down the fort at home.  I know that he has done a little yard work and has been working on cleaning off our porch for "spring porch sitting," though I think that storms are coming again and going to cool things down once again.  Typical back-and-forth temperatures for the start of Spring in Middle Tennessee.

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