It's been a long time since we could sit in any chair in the living room or walk freely around in the room without having to skirt around various and sundry kitchen items. But finally today I got everything cleared off chairs and couches. Well, there are two cooking magazines on the wing chair...but I had been looking at those. I got things sorted through...most of what was on the couch had been in "the junk drawer" in the kitchen and I had to go through and decide what, if anything, was worthy of keeping and finding a new place for. I managed to do just that. Then I dusted the pieces of furniture that I hadn't been able to get to because of all the extra things on chairs and the floor. And, last of all I vacuumed the upholstered pieces hoping to remove at least most of the white dust that had been floating around due to the construction. I need to take the curtains down and run them around in the dryer, but that will have to wait till it isn't so hot. If I take the curtains down, the. I need to wash the windows and it is just too hot to open up the windows to do that task. Plus I need to move on to the school room as I need to get that ready for next week—the first week of Grammy School.
Woody has stayed pretty quiet today trying to keep cool...though most of the time he is cold whether it is hot or not. But as hot as it was today he didn't need to be out and about doing much outside. He has done his crossword puzzles, read, and watched some TV.
I did do a little sewing. I made a pillow-type case to slip over one of my baking sheets. Then I put the last of my cooking utinsels that hadn't been put in place in the new kitchen yet. They were waiting patiently on the couch for me to finally sit down at the sewing machine. I embroidered some gold sunflowers on a dish towel and made the "case" out of that. It is shallow enough to slip under the food processor lift shelf. I will post pictures of what I am "trying" to describe! This will let me slide them out as if they were on a tray and I can still use the baking sheet when I need it. Trying to utilize all spaces!
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