Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Progressing in the Right Direction!

Today's major accomplishment was getting the AZ package mailed.  I stayed up and burned some midnight oil (and beyond) and got the last of the sewing done for their gifts and then got them wrapped.  I only had two more gifts to wrap for them when I got up this morning.  I got them in a box and got the box addressed (jobs that Woody used to do).  I went downstairs to get ready to mail them and Woody said that he thought he could do that task. I put the box in the car and figured that someone would come along and help at the Post Office if he needed it!  Remember...we live in a small town!  He said that he didn't have to carry the box in, that he had someone offer right away to carry it for him.

My next efforts turned to getting back to getting ornaments made.  I have completely finished three am starting to get a handle on the rest of the ornaments that I need to make before two weeks from yesterday (when we will have our family Christmas...this year at Melany and Wade's).

Woody received a call today from his infectious disease doctor's office.  They needed to change his appointment.  I was more than willing to move that was on Decembet 31st and I'm not too keen on traveling anywhere on New Year's Eve during the day or night!  So it got moved into the first week of  January.  Appointments! Appointments! Appointments!  There always seems to be one lurking around the corner!

I had planned to run to the church to work in the library for a few minutes, but in the end Christmas sewing won out.  'Tis the season!

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