Thursday, February 27, 2020

How Can It Be? Graham's 18!

He received several gifts in groups of 18!
What more can an 18 year old want than some free sandwiches at Chick Fil A!

And, like most teens of 18 he likes those rectangular paper gifts.

A new speciality made by Abigail for this special birthday: A Candy Bar Explosion Cheese Cake.
I will vouch that it was decadent!

Happy, happy 18th birthday, Graham!!!  It seems just like yesterday when I heard you cry over the phone and I said, "Don't cry, Graham!  Grammy loves you." At that moment I realized that our names sounded almost exactly alike!  Of all the grandchildren, you were the oldest when we first saw you in person because you were born the farthest away from us...Texas.  We didn't see you till you were almost a month old...during my Spring break from Montessori school.  But of all the grandchildren you have lived closest to us for the most years...right next door.  Goosey and I are blessed to have you for our grandson!  

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