Monday, March 9, 2020

Monday Musings

Today has been a recovery day from yesterday's time change!  Hopefully we will get used to the new time quickly...never seems to be easy!  Woody said that it took him forever last night to finally get to sleep...not till the wee hours.  I didn't sleep well either.  And, I'm pretty sure that we both dozed off this afternoon.

I had school this morning...back to routine after they were away last week.  Everyone seemed to easily get back into the school groove.  Elijah had his long time today.  He experimented with various items sprinkled on ice cubes to see what would make them melt the quickest.  While waiting for them to melt, he learned about the Pythagorean theorem using a special set of Magformers that we have.  It gives a very good concrete example of the  theorem so one can then work into the abstract.  Not Montessori...but the way Montessori works = move from concrete examples to abstract thinking. Even Woody was impressed as to how this educational set of Magformers showed this concept.  I'm really glad that I got this set for the pickle present a couple of years ago.  Elijah is the first one who has used it in this way.  The younger boys have just made the 3-D solid shapes with it.

I think that I have avoided a bout with gout.  Last night I couldn't figure out why my sock and then the throw was making one of my toes hurt so much.  I finally realized that it was the toe that I originally had gout in...and, when you have gout anything touching that joint hurts...socks, covers, etc.  I decided that I would use my "rescue drug" that I have had to take in ages.  And, within a few hours the pain had gone.  Thank goodness!

After school today, I made a pot of chicken gumbo and cooked some rice to serve it over.  It tasted pretty good as we hadn't had it in a long time.  I try so hard to give Woody variety, but I don't think that he thinks that he gets enough variety!  Which is pretty hard with the limited items that he is supposed to eat!  But I try.

Woody worked on planting some more grass seed around the stepping stones that form a walkway between our house and Nathan and Kathy's.  I think he wanted to get it planted before our next rain which I think is predicted for tomorrow.  He is now at the Monday Night Furnace Room Prayer meeting.  When he gets home, we will batten down the hatches and be in for another quiet evening.

I had a surprise delivery today that I'll share with you in tomorrow's blog.

Tonight's photo shows one of several barns that we saw wth quilt blocks on them. Here's a little information that I found about quilt blocks on barns:

While barn quilts have been around for many years, there's been a spike in popularity in the last two decades. In Adams County, Ohio, in 2001, Donna Sue Groves set out to honor her mother Maxine and her quilt art by painting a quilt block on her tobacco barn. The idea was a hit and soon friends and neighbors wanted barn quilts of their own. And, now this tradition has spread to over 40 states and Canada.

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