Wednesday, January 6, 2021


Today I know that it is Wednesday because I had my "library" chat with Donna. We enjoyed our talk and had several laughs over a couple of situations. My sister was tested for Covid today at an urgent care. She said that she had to stay so long in this facility that she feels that if she didn't have Covid when she went in she probably has it now! She will find out the results of the test in a couple of days. We got an email from Vanderbilt today that said that they would shortly be starting to vaccinate their patients who are 75 and older. Woody just misses that mark by a year so not quite eligible for the first group of patients that they will admminister the vaccine to. But it sort of sounds like they are putting their patients on a waiting list. Again, time will tell! I have just done a little of this and a little of that today. I have started to put some of Christmas back in their boxes...not a lot yet. I got the hallway ready to stack up the boxes when I get them filled. I don't plan to do anything to the living room till after we have virtual Christmas with the Proctors on Saturday. Figure we need to be in a Christmasy mood to open our gifts! Definiely need the tree! We have a couple more loads of clean clothes. And, I did a little vacuuming. I did make another double recipe of Woody's breakfast sausage and have the patties in the freezing now. I was going to make his pancakes tonight, but he said that he would have oatmeal in the morning. I think that I am going to slip away for a few hours in the morning...perhaps for a barn trip. That means that when I get through here I need to get camera gear ready for a morning getaway. Woody came upstairs and stayed quite a while this morning. He was in here checking out things on this laptop and then went into the "office/new sewing area" and challenged the computer to several games of Scrabble. He is also busily going through a 2021 calendar of puzzles that the Proctors gave him. He doesn't do them daily...just starts working them and continues despite what the date is! He was well into February when I noted the date on a puzzle he was doing! I told him that "my this year is flying right along!" Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! (Maybe there will be some new barn photos tomorrow night!)

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