Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Busy Wednesday

Most mornings these days start with getting Woody disconnected from his dialysis cycler machine. This morning, the last cycle wasn't quite done when I got downstairs so I ended up eating my breakfast and it was finished about the time that I took my last bite. Woody ate breakfast once he was free from his machine. After breakfast he went upstairs for a while to do his crossword puzzles. He couldn't stay upstairs at his leisure today as he had to be at Oncology by 9:45am. He had labs, saw a medical assistant, saw tge doctor, and and had his third Keytruda infusion all at the same appointment today. He did find out from the doctor today that instead of 1 year, he will be getting Keytruda for two years. The oncologist and the dermatologist had talked and, I guess, decided that since another melanoma site had popped up next to where he had the surgery that he has stage 4 Melanoma...he's been there before! So I guess...same song, second verse. On his way home he stopped at the pharmacy to pick up some of his prescriptions. He got home around 12:30pm. After Woody left this morning, I got busy cleaning his room, which isn't easy to do when he is sitting in it. I washed all his throws and his bedding, vacuumed, dusted, and straightened up a little along with cleaning his bathroom. I also had to order his dialysis supplies (that task rolls around all too often!). I also took a call from his Fresenius Kidney Care social worker. We heard from the dietician the other day and now the social worker...all those calls lead up to his appointment at Fresenius Kidney Center with Dr. O...which is in the morning. After I got Woody's lunch, I headed off to WalMart and a quick stop at Kroger. This is my monthly WalMart shopping trip...have to go when I run out of my over-the-counter meds. I also made sure that I took care of our birds and got them some food also. I also got a new heating pad. My other one had bitten the dust...didn't last very long. It is good to have the heat on my back as I type this after my extra busy day. It was time to do something with my sour dough starter so decided to make cheddar and chive sour dough biscuits and share them with our neighbors who have been so nice lately to include our backyard when they are mowing their yard. I figured taking some hot from the oven biscuits over at supper time was a way that I could say thanks. The day is is supposed to be a cold night...frost I covered some of our plants. I'm ready for the tasks for the day to be over...still need to unload the dishwasher and reload it. My stop at Kroger was to get the ground pork that they didn't have when I shopped last week and I need it to make Woody's breakfast sausage. I don't have it in me tonight, I don't think, to make it may get up early and tackle that in the morning. I make several lots of sausage patties and then freeze in the morning I can cook them all and he can have two fresh ones with his pancakes. Just don't think that I can face 2# of sausage tonight. I'm ready for my recliner and heating pad! Tomorrow is another day, as Scarlett would say1 Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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