I started this blog in 2009 to keep folk up to date on my husband's melanoma treatments. I have kept up daily blogs for 16 years…sometimes health related...sometimes just daily routine. 6/16/24 Woody took his final breath in his long health battle. I have blogged for so long that it is part of my daily routine…so I guess I will continue with posts from me about how I cope with this new stage in my life…widowhood.
Monday, May 31, 2021
Memorial Day 2021
Today has been rather a busy day for us...or at least so it seems to me at this point in the day! Woody started out the day showering and washing his hair...not an easy task...plus we have been given no instructions about showering with his new dialysis line. I knew that it had to be covered and we had some coverings that were meant for the shower that he had gotten at the time of one of his other surgeries. It really wasn't the right shape...too big actually...but we made it work and managed to keep that place dry. Showering is no longer an easy task for him. Today's dialysis was scheduled for 1:45, but a little after 12 we got a call that they had a cancellation and that there was an empty chair for him. He quickly ate a bite of lunch and then headed their way. He got home a little before 5pm...not a full dialysis time. The way they handled it was that they left his dialysis going while they disconnected all the other patients and then did his last...so he came close to 4 hours. I'm sure that they were ready to get away since it is a holiday! Once home he rested for a little while and then had a shake before he headed off to the Monday Night Furnace Room Prayer Meeting. He sort of figured that he would be the only one who came, but since they often do meet on holidays he needed to go just in case. Today was the end of a church-wide family retreat so there was even more of a reason that probably no one else would come...and he was right...he was the only one. So he is home and ensconsed in his recliner. He said that he wasn't quite as zapped of energy today after his dialysis treatment. He doesn't have an appointment for Wednesday as the scheduler at the dialysis center had the day off so we have to call tomorrow to set up a time. The problem that I see for Wednesday is that he has his Keytruda infusion that day also and it has been on the calendar for a month for 1pm. Now to see if these appointments can both be fitted into one day...we will see. Tomorrow Melany is coming back to do more in the gardens and this time she is bringing Alex, our oldest grandson, the one who is getting married in three weeks. He has the day off and Melany has talked him into coming and doing some mowing and weedeating, etc. while she works on flower beds. We have enlisted Nathan and some of our farmer grandchildren to come help out for a while. Nathan is bringing his chainsaw, etc. I have been cooking this afternoon and evening so we can attempt to feed the yard workers! I have spaghetti sauce simmering and sourdough rolls just came out of the oven. I'm thinking about making some cookies...but that will have to happen tomorrow...my cooking energy has gotten up and left! And, I still have the kitchen to clean up. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Garden Elves Visited Us and Worked Their Magic!
Melany and Wade showed up early this morning and just left about an hour ago. And, did they ever put in the work today! Three gardens pretty much finished. Melany will be back this coming week to do some more...a glutten for punishment!!!!! They brought us sooooooo many new plants...oh, my! One thing they are trying to do is have it all pretty when Aunty Cheryl comes...so we can enjoy the pretty gardens while we sit on the porch. Our lunch was delicious...they brought some and I made some...quite a feast of salads. Today was not a hot day by any means...stayed in the lower 60s all day...cool, but still better than havinng the hot sun beating down on them...and Mr. Sun never showed his shiny face at all today...overcast all day. After lunch, they went back to work and I worked on cleaning up the kitchen and then made a sheet cake. They brought strawberries all hulled and Woody loves this recipe for a yellow cake when it is topped with strawberries along a scoop or two of ice cream. So after all their work was complete they came in and we had dessert. It was really time for supper...but we were all in the mood for dessert. Woody really enjoyed that. Woody also enjoyed the layered salad that they brought. He had several small helpings of that after they left. I am pretty tired and I hardly did anything in the yard...I did do a little, but not enough to make me tired. I guess the cooking did me in! We also had a nice visit even though they worked just about every minute they were here, except when they were eating. Melany just texted me that they were home safely. Now...the big task...the task of keeping all these beautiful plants alive! My thumb just isn't the greenest...they say that if I just water they will be fine...I will try! They brought me a new bird feeder, too...and some seeds...our birdies are very happy! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Friday, May 28, 2021
Another Hemodialysis Afternoon
The day started off with me making high protein pancakes for Woody. I have been doing a little of this and a little of that getting ready for Melany and Wade to come tomorrow. They are coming to work in our gardens. They are making part of tomorrow's lunch and I am making part of it. I have a tuna salad and a chicken salad made. Tomorrow I will make chive and cheddar sour dough biscuits. Woody left for his 2nd hemodialysis treatment a little before noon. He got home around five. He said it was a long afternoon. Once again he came home really zapped of all energy. He still doesnt have enough energy to have supper...his high protein shake. What he learned today...that for the time being he will continue with hemodialysis. They told him that they would have his PD nurse come in and talk to him, but he never did come in. Woody did drive himself to and from his treatment today. He tested out his ability to drive this morning when he went to get a haircut...and, he said that he had no problems. This afternoon was supposed to be stormy so he felt that the less trips in the car the better. We did have rain (good for tomorrow's weeding efforts!) but no heavy storms. I heard that there was a a tornado in the county where Melany and Nathan went to college.
While Woody was at dialysis, I vacuumed the family room...aka Woody's room. And, I also did several loads of wash and made tomorrow's salads. I'm ready to plop in my recliner...now if I could just get Woody interested in supper! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Mini Barn Trip
Well, there is a problem loading pictures at the moment so will write for a while and then attempt to add in the photos. Marie wanted to go to the Co-op in Shelbyville so Carolyn and I went along and we took several side roads on the way there and on the way back. I do hope that I can get the photos to load as this highlight of the trip needs the pictures! As we approached Shelbyville, Marie asked if we wanted to go directly to the co-op or take a side road there...of course, we chose the side road! And, we are so glad that we did. We came to a field that had several donkeys in it and it looked a bit like there might be a fight between two of them at any minute...so we focused our cameras in on the donkey scene and fired away...and, so glad that we did. Marie noticed that there seemed to be a donkey lying down on the ground...at this point the fence was hiding the one on the ground from me. The one adult donkey was determined to keep the other adult donkey away and she was doing so both with her hooves and her teeth...finally the one adult donkey got the message and wandered away.
But before he did, we finally saw what was lying on the ground...a baby...one that hadn't even stood up yet...and there before our eyes the little one made a valiant effort and managed to get to its feet...a bit wobbly but he was up and immediately started walking around...so sweet.
And, we got pictures...but still there is a problem with loading them on here...I keep getting a message to try again later. Woody seemed to do well on his own. I wasn't sure if we would get back in time for lunch so reminded him that there was his favorite, at the moment, soup in the refrigerator and he did warm up a bowl for his lunch when I didn't appear in time for lunch. He also spent time upstairs while I was gone doing things on the computer...checking out baseball stats, doing his daily crossword puzzles, etc. His only complaint at the moment is that every so often his new site stings a bit so I suggested that he ask a nurse tomorrow when he goes for his next hemodialysis treatment. We were told to do nothing with that new site...so following directions! The only thing that we are doing now about his peritoneal dialysis site is that I continue to clean that site daily...only PD "duty" that we are currently doing...seems strange not to be getting ready to set up his nightly treatment! It still won't let me add photos and says to try again later. Finally was successful with getting the photos to load! Enjoy part of the wonderment of God's creation that we observed today. We are so thankful that we took that side road to Shelbyville! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Hemodialysis Has Begun
I "think" that I have the finished sampler pictured tonight...working with thumbnail photos makes it hard to pick the right one sometimes...and that happened last night. The other photos last night were close-ups of the places that I put charms on. Okay what you really want to know...what is going on with Woody today! And, I say...not sure that anyone knows. He did get set up for his first hemodialysis treatment and had it this afternoon...just a partial treatment. He has also been given an appointment for Friday...earlier in the day, so I am guessing that it will be for a longer time. The hemo nurses were trying to figure out why he was there. They seemed to think that it was just a temporary "thing" till he goes back on Peritoneal Dialysis. And, even his PD nurse thought that might happen. He said that sometimes people have the leaks fixed and then go back on PD. I have not a clue. I did cancel the order for supplies that is due to be delivered next week. But I was told by his PD nurse not to schedule the pick up cycler machine and other supplies until we know for sure what is going on. I feel like we are in no-man's land...don't know what we are doing nor does anyone else seem to know. I wish that we could talk to Dr. O! I'm guessing that he doesn't know for sure what is going on either! We will just take it one day at a time and maybe eventually he will fit either into the round or square hole!!! He felt like he was on the machine at the clinic for a very long time...and it was only a partial treatment. Also he was very surprised at how zapped of energy he felt after. He made it inside but was really glad to "land" in his chair and cover up with one of his fleece throws. Who knows why...but Woody was hot this morning...he is never hot these days! He even asked me to turn on the air conditioning early this morning...another unheard thing! And, he had me find his shorts...it has been more than a year since he wore shorts last. I told him this morning that he would probably want to change back into his sweat pants before going for dialysis. But he insisted he wouldn't need to...guess he doesn't remember how cold we were at the other end of this same building when we were in training. I also tried to get him to take a throw...again, he said that he wouldn't need it...so...he got cold! He came in our house and mentioned how cold it was inside and headed straight for his recliner and grabbed a throw as soon as he settled into the chair. He just said that he is learning! No comment on my part (rolling my eyes)! First thing this morning, I called to get the dialysis treatment set up. Woody's nurse said that he would call me back with day and time of the first treatment. I gave him my cell number as I was going out to breakfast with Jo and Carolyn. And, I did get a call during breakfast. But I am glad that I was able to go and not have to stay home waiting on an appointment. About my cell phone...I still am a hold out for a smart phone...I am very happy with my slide-phone! But I don't use it like everyone uses their smart phones. I usually only take it with me when I am leaving town...trying to be better about taking it with me when I am out and about in town. But I don't often give out that number so in the 10 months that we have been affiliated with Fresenius Kidney Center, I had only given them our home humber...yesterday I realized that if they had my cell number I could have made the appointment they rather than having to call first thing this morning...reason that I thought to give him the number this morning. Donna and I had changed back to working in the library after lunch today since I had made plans for this morning. But in the end since our work time would have just started an hour before I needed to take Woody to dialysis, we postponed it till next week. We have an order of new books that we will be working on...fun part of our library job...that and getting to choose the books we order! I can only imagine how worn out Woody must be...just a day after surgery, his first hemo treatment...so having to make the effort to move and get out of the house. I know that I am feeling very worn out and I didn't have all that done to me! Nathan stopped by and helped Woody get into the car. Woody is still having trouble turning his neck after surgery so he "allowed" me to drive him to and from treatments! Woody talked Nathan into taking our green car and having two grandchildren wash the car for a "cash reward." Nathan did that and brought it back to us on his way out of town to do some Wednesday night preaching at a little country church on down the road a ways. Melany and Wade are coming on Saturday to help out our over-grown-with-weeds gardens. So lots going on around here. We just live here and watch all the comings and goings and once in a while do a little going ourselves! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Fun and Games at the ER
Tonight's photos may be all mixed up...I wanted the sampler first. But don't have patience or where with all to get them in the order I want. The photos show that the sampler is complete and ready to frame...whenever that may happen. Now for today's tale...it has been a long and eventful day. Last night around midnight, we realized that Woody had a problem and began to wonder several hours later if it happened to be due to the dialysis...and it was. The dialysis solution didn't stay in the peratonium...but leaked into other parts of his body. I ended up calling the 24/7 dialysis help line to figure out how to get the machine to stop in the middle of one of the drain cycles. The machine was giving alarms and the draining just wasn't happening. We were told how to shut down the machine and also to call our Fresenius center at 8am. Woody started to head to the car a little after 8, while I was still attempting to call our kidney care nurse. Woody figured that we would either be going to the kidney center or to the ER. When I finally got the nurse, he did say that we needed to go on to the hospita and that he would alert Dr. O. to the problem. We got to the ER at 8:20...and didn't leave till 5:20. And, in that time frame Woody had surgery to put in a line for hemodialysis (dialysis that cleanses the blood). The surgery part happened in the last two hours...the other hours we just hung out in the ER. Nathan came to the hospital near the end of our time there and helped us get Woody home and into the house. He now has a line that is in his upper right chest area. Again, we don't know much...I guess we will be filled in when we go to the center to have Woody's first hemodialysis. Woody's kidney nurse called and asked that we call when we got home so he could schedule his first dialysis, but we didn't get home till after the clinic closed so I will call first thing in the morning. My head is sort of swimming and I will admit that I am rather tired after our long day of waiting. I was and am so thankful for e-books on my iPad. I was almost finished with a book and finished it quickly after I got there. I had several sitting there all ready to check out so I didn't lack reading material. Woody didn't read as he doesn't like to read with a mask on as it fogs up his reading glasses. He was very ready for the nurses to wheel him off to surgery when they finally showed up! He is a little sore tonight...it hurts him to cough. Now to give you a little baseball/Little League news. Elijah's coach's have chosen him for the Sportsmanship award for their team. This is the fourth time that Elijah has been awarded this award...all four years that he has played. Each time he was playing on a different team and under a different coach. Woody got tickled when he got to thinking that getting it four years and not sharing this award wasn't very sportmanship-like of Elijah as he didn't share the honor with others!!!!! We are very proud of the way Elijah conducts himself on the field and off and love that his coach's see the same qualities that we see in Elijah! Way to go, Elijah! Well, I guess I had better go see if my patient is finally ready for a protein shake after his ordeal of a day...and, by the way, it was NOT fun and games in the ER...such a slow and inefficient manner of handling patients. I will say that part of our long stay was that they had to wait 8 hours after Woody ate breakfast...so that was part of our long time in the ER. Dr. O. requested that Woody be allowed to stay in ER till time for surgery...but he ended up waiting 9-1/2 hours after he ate before he was taken back. He was tested for Covid again today...won't it be good once they don't have to do that in the hospital before a procedure! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! Just think...a night off from dialysis...which means, I'm sure, that he will be starting hemodialysis soon. Hemodialysis only takes placr three days a week. New routine for us is approaching!
Monday, May 24, 2021
Moving Right Along
I got all the stitching done on the sampler...well, all the graphed stitching. I still have to add buttons to the felt hearts and then applique them on and then sew on the star charms, the pineapple charm and the cat charm...then it will be finished. This afternoon I sat down and cut out the felt hearts. So one step closer. I have taken the sampler off the stitching frame, pressed the sampler and now ready to move on. I had a busy morning. I got up, got Woody disconnected, got our breakfast and then it was time to get ready for future breakfasts...needed to make sausage. This time the sausage making was a little more work intensive. I haven't been able to find the ground pork that I make Woody's breakfast sausage with so ended up buying some boneless pork chops and ground those. We have a grinder, but it is rarely used...and I know why...has to be put together, then taken apart and thoroughly washed...but I did it and Woody has couple of weeks worth of breakfast sausage in the freezer once again. I have managed to mess up the kitchen several times today. I just got finished cleaning it up for the last time today! Woody went to Elijah's ball game and then from the ball field went to the Monday Night Furnace Room Prayer Meeting. He just pulled up in front of the house...so I guess it is time to make his supper shake and then get his dialysis machine ready to tonight's treatment. So...be safe...be well...be cautious!
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Things Are Growing
Our gardens and my sampler are having a growth spurt. (Wish the weeds in the garden weren't growing at the same rate as the flowers!) Today I decided to add to our gardens and went to Lowe's and bought some plants: 2 red peppers, a tomato, and basil. This evening after it cooled down a bit, I planted them. Since I blogged last night I put in quite a few stitches on the sampler and managed to complete the house. Guess I am planting on my sampler...sorking on a tree and next will be the grass at the base of the house. After I went to Lowe's I made a stop at Kroger to get the ingredients for the soup that Woody wanted. I made the soup this afternoon and he had some for supper. I still have a bit of cleaning up to do in the kitchen. It is definitely warmer today...feeling a bit summerish. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Friday, May 21, 2021
Must Be A Fly-In
While I was just outside taking this picture, I saw at least six staggerwings fly over our house. We have a staggerwing museum here in town and they have fly-ins every so often...and right around Memorial Day seems like a time they might be having one. I didn't get a picture as I had the camera set for close-ups. Today has been sort of a down-day...neither of us did much. Woody must be feeling a little better...not hurting as much, as he did come upstairs for a while this afternoon. Joy and Nathan dropped in this morning for a short time. They brought the Mr. Coffee so Cheryl and Rachel can have coffee while they are here...guess you could say that is one thing that has been checked off my list (The list that doesn't even exist yet!). I guess it is about time to make a list as Cheryl arrives a month from tomorrow's date. While Nathan and Joy were here, I got a call from my close-moved from TN-Alabama-sewing-stitching-good friend! It was not the call that ones wants to hear. She was in the hospital awaiting a serious procedure this afternoon to deal with multiple blood clots in both lungs. This weekend her granddaughter is getting married so the family is busy, busy with wedding events and keeping an eye on Connie, so I haven't heard anything about her procedure. She is to be in ICU after the procedure so I know that she won't be able to update me...so I am just waiting and praying for good outcome from the procedure. I have stitched and kept her on my mind and in my prayers this afternoon. We are stitching and sewing cohorts...and still consult each other even though there are many miles separating us. The house on my sampler is getting filled in.
I have been extra tired today so I have had several naps this afternoon...falling asleep with needle in hand! I attempted to get Woody's prescriptions phoned in that were supposed to be phoned in yesterday. I was assured that they would be...but when I called only one had been phoned in. The one phoned in was for the antibiotic so he will be able to take that this weekend. I guess I will have to call about the other one on Monday. I have made a bunch of pharmacy calls and one to the kideney center...wonder how many it will take in all to get one more prescription. Usually they are very good at the kidney center so I won't complain...too much! It was explained to me that they have a new manager and there was a meeting yesterday afternoon that kept them from phoning in all the prescriptions. And, I didn't talk to our nurse when I called so I didn't get specific with what was supposed to be called in...so will just call back Monday morning. Patience is a virtue...that is hard to come by sometimes! It was time to use the sour dough starter so I made waffles this morning. This evening I put a pork roast in the oven. And, I guess tomorrow I will head back to the grocery store as Woody enjoyed the soup that I made so much he wants me to make it again...considering his lack of appetite lately, I will go along with him when he shows an interest in food! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Doctor Day...Again
It seems like all we do is go to one doctor or another these days...lately we have been averaging about two doctor visits a week. I think that next week may be an "off week!" No appointments sounds good to us! Today was his monthly visit at Fresenius Medical Center when he sees most of his "team." One of the things that we have to figure out is managing his phosphorus levels. When he started dialysis his phosphorus levels were quite good as we had been watching them for 2-1/2 years with the diet that kept him off dialysis for a period of time. Most new dialysis patients have to learn all about phosphorus and potassium, etc. but because we had been watching and keeping those low, we didnt have to worrybabout them. And when his protein level was low it was okay to add high protein things into his diet which weren't low in phosphorus and potassium. I figured that change in diet wouod catch up with us...and, the last couple of labs show that his phosphorus levels had started climbing. When that happens and when they want him to eat high protein, then they add a pill that is called a phosphorus binder which he takes prior to his meals. That was supposed to be added to his medications and phoned in to our pharmacy, but it hadn't been phoned in prior to the pharmacy closing tonight...guess I will be checking with the nurse at the clinic tomorrow. I ran around looking for a cream that Dr. O wanted Woody to try to see if it would help the pain thwt Woody had been having. I have come to the conclusion that said cream has been pulled from the shelves as it is not to be found in the three pharmacy depts. that checked today. When I got online, there was something about why it isn't on shelves...so guess that was a bit of a wild goose chase! One of the pharmacists at our pharmacy did help me to find a cream that had the right ingredient in it. So I guess I was finally partially successful in my search. Woody said that it had helped...so perhaps a little more than partially successful! Speaking of creams...I think that the rash on my legs is responding to this new ointment...at least the rash isn't getting worse and it seems to be fading some...and it still isn't itching...both of which is very good to my way of thinking...just want to be rid of this mess...it has hung around long enough! I am now just taking 1/2 a prednisone pill each day for the next 5 days...just hooing that it doesn't come back when I am totally finished with taking them. But I am so ready to stop taking them. Woody continues to enjoy the soup that I made "for me" the other day. It's good to find something that he actually enjoys eating for a change. After galavanting around today, I am very ready to settle into my recliner and do some stitching or reading...I've gotten back into reading again and have finished several books in the last week. I'm way off my goal of a book a week at this point in the year...but might get caught back up...but I read so much over the last 1-1/2 years that I have given myself permission to slack off a little with the reading and do more stitching and sewing. Here is where I was yesterday with my sampler...I have started working on the house in the large rectangle now. What I have discovered about this sampler...that it is very brown! Many shades of brown lay on the tray next to my chair...I think that I will be ready to stitch something more colorful when I finish this. Well, about time to go set up Woody's dialysis treatment for tonight...then I can stitch...well, after I do a little more in the kitchen. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
49 Years Ago in the Wee Hours of the Morning
Lately things never seem to go as planned...or so it seems. We had planned to go to Nathan and Kathy's for ice cream and cake this morning, but Woody was moving pretty slow and didn't feel like he needed to move farther from his recliner than necessary. So we were unpartiers. I talked to Nathan for a few minutes on the phone to wish hi a happy birthday and tell him that there was a gift we would get to him eventually...or he could stop by and get it! I will say that I am feeling a lot better than I was 49 years ago. I was pretty sick...reason that I was entered into the hospital on the 18th...had a severe kidney infection and was running a 105° temperature. Nathan wasn't due for three more weeks, but in the middle of the night, he deciced it was too hot in the oven and decided to arrive very quickly...neither the doctor nor Woody made it to the hospital before he was born and they were probably less than 20 minutes away from the hospital. The nurses rapidly got me into a delivery room and grabbed a doctor who had just delivered a baby to catch Nathan. He was a very speedy delivery! Nathan was considered immature...not premature...but they kept him in the preemie nursery for six days due to the fact that I was sick when I delivered him. I was dismissed from the hospital before he was because once I had him and got the IV antibiotics I improved rapidly. Things were very different "back then" about babies in neonatal care...all we got to do was look at him through the nursery window. I never touched him till he was discharged from the hospital when he was 6 days old. Once I was discharged from the hospital probably when he was three or four days old, then we went back to see him through the window once a day after Woody got home from work. He was more than 5 lbs...but just skin and bones...he didn't have those last weeks to put on fat before he was bor
n! But he gained rapidly and didn't stay skin and bones for too long. He was only 18" long amd those of you who have seen him in person know that he didn't stay "short" very long! Anyway...happy birthday, Nathan. Since we didn't end up going anywhere today...I had cancelled with Donna our weekly library work time due to the party and didn't know in time that we weren't going to the party to reschedule. So I did a little of this and a little of that around the house and then settled into my chair and worked on my sampler. I now have all the areas framed in on the sampler and all the boxes filled in except for the hearts in the corners and the house in the middle...time to start on the house. I have also looked at the pattern that I want to use to make me what I am going to wear to Alex and Brooke's wedding...quite a simple pattern...just have to get up the oomph to get really started with it. I did also work on fixing a top that Melany brought that had a problem with the armhole binding. I have it part way back on, but ran into trouble...so am having to do some picking out of machine stitches that I put in...wonder how many tries this will take...slinky, stretchy fabric. As I am working on this, I am thankful that I am not the sewing line worker that has to put this onto shirt armholes all day long! Not an easy task! Woody has mainly sat in his chair today and has watched TV and read. I know that he is glad to have the reading material that he checked out of the public library Saturday. I made our monthly order for Woody's dialysis supplies this morning...that rolls around all too quickly! Tomorrow he has his monthly appointment at Fresenius Kidney Center. This time he sees all his kidney team: nurse, dietician, social worker and Dr. O. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
It's a Matter of Perspective
Tonight's photos all show different perspectives along the road that we travelled home today. I'm not sure which order they loaded in so I will just type about them blindly! The one that I planned to be first is nursery in Murfreesboro. Today I just realized that the front greenhouse is attacked to an old barn...I hadn't realized that before...or at least today was the first time that it registered with me. I knew that there was a barn-shaped structure that was part of the building that houses the nursery, but hadn't realized that they had utilized a standing barn. Then there is the one lane bridge that we cross when we go this way...it doesn't look all that narrow from this viewpoint...but it is...today we had to wait for a car to cross that was coming towards us before we could cross the bridge. The other is one of my favorite perspective photos...at the point that it looks like the railroad track and the road "V" into each other...but we run parallel most of the way back home from this point on.
Woody did get home rather late from last night's ball game so we were more than an hour later than we usually start his dialysis. But we still had time to get him disconnected and have time to have breakfast and get ready to go to my dermatologist appointment. We headed off a little before 9 and got to the appointment a little early. I was called in almost immediately and the doctor came in very shortly after that. I was back in the car by 10:15. We came home the backroad and stopped at the Credit Union to get a birthday present and were still home around 11:30. It was about 2 hours of travel for a 15 minute appointment...if that. The doctor and I are both hopeful that since the only place that the rash has shown back up at this point is on my lower legs (the last place that it showed up the first time) that it is hopefully on its way out of my system. She wants me to finish tapering off the prednisone...which I will be finished with next week. In the meanwhile she prescribed a different steroid ointment...I'm guessing stronger than what she prescribed the last time...I know more expensive! It is one that I had a message from my insurance that they had approved it...but also a message from the pharmacy to please call them. The reason for the call...the expense...they needed me to okay it before they filled it! $140 for a medium-sized tube...surely the cost, if nothing else, will make it effective!?! I am to apply it to the area that is broken out twice a day till I go back to see her. The doctor said that if I do that she is pretty sure that it will be gone when I go back...crossing my fingers...but not holding my breath! For supper tonight, Woody decided that the soup that I made on Sunday sounded good to him...so he actually ate a regular size bowl for supper...more than his usual two spoonfuls! He said that he felt like he needed more variety...glad he has come to that conclusion...on his own! Neither of us felt like doing much this afternoon after our morning outing. Woody thinks that he may have somehow pulled a muscle...so was glad to just sit in his recliner this afternoon and evening hoping to find comfortable positions! I did manage to get all the trash taken out including multiple boxes that I collapse for recycle, other recycle items...always quite a feat getting it all taken out to the curb! This is a busy week for us,,,my appointment today...an appointment for Woody on Thursday...tomorrow I have to order dialysis supplies AND we have a birthday to celebrate...more on that tomorrow...till then...Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Monday, May 17, 2021
Wasn't it just Monday a couple of days ago! The days pass by faster and faster these days...is that another sign of my age?!? Today has been fairly busy. I needed to get soe things done as the rest of the week is lining up with appointments and other things on the calendar that will pull us out of the house for at least part of the day...mainly mornings. I have attempted to catch up on the wash...many trips up and down the stairs taking loads down to wash and then the reverse to put them away. My last two laundry trips mark the start of a sewing project...what I hope to wear to Alex and Brooke's wedding...one piece is out of the dryer and the other still wasn't dry when I checked last...will check when I head down in a few minutes to set up Woody's dialysis treatment. Woody has gone to the Monday Night Furnace Room Prayer Meeting and then he will go on to Elijah's game. I'm going to get tonight's treatment set up so that when he returns we can get him connected for tonight's treatment. It doesn't need to get started late tonight as we do have to be up and out of here in the morning for my next dermatologist appointment. It shouldn't be a problem as I made sure that they didn't give me an extra early appointment...mid morning should be doable to get him disconnected and fed breakfast before we need to head off. Yesterday I did quite a bit of cooking as the cupboard aka refrigerator was pretty bare of choices to eat. Woody still isn't very interested in food...but I decided to make a couple of things that I enjoy...and if he is tempted then fine...so far he hasn't been tempted. Today I decided to make myself a treat. When I made Woody a banana cream pie, I thought that a chocolate cream pie sounded good. And, that is what I made today...was "needing" some chocolate! That treat is definitely mine as Woody does not like chocolate. I had a sliver this afternoon...pretty good! Along with all the wash, I have made a book order for the church library...first time doing that in over a year...seems normal but at the same time to be getting back to doing these "normal things" seems strange! Report on my reaction to the Covid vaccine...still not totally free of the reaction. I am tapering off the Prednisone. So far "almost" so good...not itching, arms and hands are free of the "rash" as are my feet...BUT my lower legs still have red places on them from the ankle to 4 or 5 inches above the ankle...at this point the rash is not itching...a good thing if I still have to have the rash! I am so ready to be off the prednisone and feel normal again...and hoping that no more places appear on arms,
hands or feet! Wondering what the doctor will say tomorrow! It will be 15 weeks on Friday since I got my first Covid vaccine. I call it "the shot that keeps on giving!" I'm off to set up the dialysis cycler machine...Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Done and Out the Door!
My part for the wedding...other than showing up for it...is finished and out the door. The wedding dress alterations were approved and Brooke and Melany carefully took it home...off my hands! Whew! This morning another part of Woody's "used-to-be routine" for Saturday happened...Woody went to the library. He came home with a couple of books to read. I have worked some on tomorrow's Sunday School lesson. Marie's aunt died and she is going to the funeral in North Carolina tomorrow so she needed me to teach. I will complete my abreviated studying for the lesson after I get Woody connected for his nightly dialysis treatment. So, saying that, I guess I had best head downstairs and set up his treatment. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Friday, May 14, 2021
We Seem to Have a Problem
I already posted a blog for tonight...but it seems to have disappeared...after I finished it and hit publish I am getting a warning screen and it won't let me get into the blog. I will continue to try to find out what is going on...after I get the wedding dress hem done!
Well, I got in but by bypassing the warning...something is going on...
Since maybe I found a way to post, I will say that the wedding dress is almost finished...just one "glitch" so far and I am working around it. Nathan and Isaac came and did yardwork this morning! Thank you! And, now back to the dress so it will be finished for the bride to come get tomorrow! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Under the Gun
At least I feel under the gun and I don't always work the best in those circumstances. I didn't get to work on the wedding dress in the morning when I was most fresh. Woody was working upstairs in the sewing room on the computer. Then Nathan and Isaac showed up to do yardwork so I went outside with them for a while. Isaac was chief weedeater and stick picker-upper. I helped pick up sticks and fed the birds. After lunch I got to work on the wedding dress. I was hoping to be able to say that it was finished in this blog...but it's not quite finished...mainly due to one misstep...now to counteract that one problem. I think that I am on the right road and it will be finishsed before I go to bed tonight. What is left is all handwork. Tonigt I made a new recipe as Woody asked for some shrimp (rarely does he ask for a certain food item). I thought it was pretty good...Woody said that it was okay...pretty much as high a compliment as he pays when it comes to food these days. It has been a very pretty day today...back to nice Spring temperatures. Well, time to get back to the dress if it is going to be ready for the bride to pick up tomorrow. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Elijah for the Save!
I was given quite a show tonight for the first time that I have been able to attend one of Elijah's baseball games this season. What a game! And, in the end Elijah's team won 11-4 and he was the relief/closing pitcher. He did a great job with the batters that he faced. Game well played! The game went into an extra inning so lasted about a half hour longer than usual. When we got home, I had to get Woody some supper (me too...sort of...if fresh baked cookies count!) and then get his dialysis treatment set up. He is all connected to his machine now and we were only about 15 minutes later than usual...not too bad! After I got everything set up and was waiting for the dialysis solution to warm up, I baked the cookies that I had put together this morning and hadn't had a chance to bake yet. Before I went to the grocery store, I cleaned out the refrigerator and wiped off the shelves since the "cupboard" was almost bare! There were two bananas in there that needed to be baked into something. So I decide to make one of my mother's cookie recipes: Banana Softies...I put a new, at least for me, twist on them and added some chocolate chips. I have taste tested and they meet my approval. After getting the cookie dough chilling in the refrigerator thiw morning, I headed off to the grocery store. I got that deed done and came home to put away all the food. I rested a bit and before I knew it it was time to head to the game. So it has been a full day and I'm a bit tired...I have a little more to do in the kitchen and then I am through for the night. I talked to Melany this afternoon and she and Brooke plan to come Saturday afternoon to get the wedding dress...guess that means that I need to get that under hem done! I have hardly had time to even think about working on it today. Tomorrow is a stay-at-home day so hopefully I can get the wedding dress done and do several other things around here that have been neglected. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Another Busy Day
There seem to bee too many busy days for us these days! Once again Woody needed to be out and about fairly early. Today was his fourth Keytruda infusion plus labs and seeing the oncologist. Today was a little less hectic as he had an 8:45am appointment, as he did yesterday, but this time the appointment was less than 10 minutes away from our house...his appointments being in town helps out a lot. Not long after Woody headed off for his appointment, I headed out the door, as Donna and I worked in the church library this morning for a couple of hours. Woody was home when I got home and it was time for lunch. We both had lunch and then I headed out again to grt my hair cut. I realized that my next haircut (5 weeks away) will be my "wedding haircut," as the wedding will be a little over a week away. Instead of heading straight home, I made a stop at Hobby Lobby to pick up some embroidery floss and "just" to look around...well, I walked out with a few more things than embroidery floss (unlike my first visit to Hobby Lobby). I hadn't seen patterns for 99 cents in ages. When we had a Hancock's Fabric in town, I always enjoyed their $1 pattern sales. I found a pattern for me and another doll pattern to add to my already large collection. The mail brought the pattern that I bought to make what I am going to wear to Alex and Brooke's wedding. So that is in my possession...now for the fabric to get here. I'm wondering what this "gasoline situation" is going to do to our mail deliveries which are already slow. But there is still time! I will study the pattern and figure out the fit while I wait for the fabric. Meanwhile I will get Brooke's wedding gown finished...wont start messing with mine till hers is finished. I did head into the sewingnroom a little while ago and hemmed the skirt by machine. The hem needs a light press and it will be done. Tomorrow I will tackle the underskirt...once that is done...my wedding gown duty will be done! I also stitched on my sampler a little this afternoon. Yesterday I picked up the medicine that my dermatologist prescribed, but the insurance needed to preapprove it. Finally it is in my hands. The doctor told me I would sleep when taking it and sleep I did...withing 10-15 minutes after taking it I was drifting off. I decided that I had better take it even though twas mainly for itching...it is a strong antihistimine...I am not currently itchy...BUT three days ago the rash started to come back on my legs. I am still taking prednisone and haven't started tapering off dosage...whenn I taper off is when the rash and then the itching have come back in the past...so it doesn't seemn like a good omen to have the rash already coming back! I start tapering off on the prednisone tomorrow. So we will see what happens next! I'm hoping that taking the antihistimine will lessen the rash that has already appeared and maybe stop more from coming and keep the itching at bay! Time will tell. Woody has also been having trouble sleeping so he decided tonsee if Melatonin will help him. He said that he did have a better sleep last night. So I guess I can say that we are sleeping better! Woody talked a little more with his Tullahoma oncologist today. The surgeon had mentioned concern about Woody's thyroid...that is monitored closely when taking Keytruda...and, oncologist said that what they test is in the good range. The doctor also looked at the two Melanoma places on Woody's arm that hafe popped up since surgery. They will keep an eye on their size to know if they are growing or shrinking. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Here and There
Well, we managed to get up and out when we planned, but the trip was a rather slow go due to school zones and road work...so we were a little late. Saw the doctor. He gave us information about things to watch for and several other things and then said he was done with us. He has two places near the surgical site that are melanoma...satellite places from the one he removed. At the moment we are to watch and see if they get smaller due to the Keytruda infusions. If there isn't noticible reduction over a period of time then there are options of surgical removal or injecting them with an immunotherapy drug into them. I guess time will tell! Update on wedding dress: I did go on and serge off the extra fabric and now it is ready to machine stitch the hem. Then I will need to shorten the underskirt and it will be finished. Serging off the skirt hem was not bad...thank goodness! Well, I have been talking to my sister and now it is time to go get Woody's dialysis treatment set up. Cheryl and I are making plans for her trip out here. She is coming for the wedding as is her daughter/my niece, Rachel. So we have plans to make! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Monday, May 10, 2021
First progress made was on the alterations that I need to make on Brooke's wedding dress. I managed to get the straps altered this afternoon...note the beads...I was able to just take off the ones that I meant to take off...no extras fell into the little container! Luckily where I needed to take them off was at either a starting place or an ending place for the hand sewn on beads. So I cut the thread away from the beads and then worked my way to the beads and took them off one at a time as I came to a group of beads and then had a long enough thread after I got them off to knot it and keep ALL the remaining beads on the dress...I hope!!! After I fixed the straps then I basted the new hem near the folded edge. I haven't gotten up enough nerve to take it to my serger...yet! I think that will be for another day...don't want to press my luck! But if I wait then I have to reposition things in the sewing room so Woody can get in there tomorrow when he wants to use the computer. I spread a sheet on the floor and then pulled the ironing board out, lowered it, and covered it with a piece of muslin. I am using the ironing board like a table that I can work on from my sewing chair. Worked well so far with what I have done. I may decide that I don't want to have to redo the set-up so go on and finish tonight...we'll see how tired I am by the time I have Woody connected for his dialysis treatment. I have his treatment all set up with the solution warming already tonight as we plan to start just a little early this evening. In the morning we need to have him disconnected from the dialysis cycler machine, breakfast eaten, and be ready to be on the road no later than 7:30 as he has an appointment in Franklin, TN in the morning with the surgeon who did his latest melanoma surgery. I guess you can call this a post post op appointment. Elijah's ball game was cancelled tonight due to a field that was too wet after all the rain that we got yesterday and in the night and some this morning. Woody did go to the Monday Night Furnace Room Prayer Meeting. He is home and settled in to relax before it is time for his next treatment.
I will end tonight with the second progress that I have made and that was with my sampler. I will include a picture of my progress since I posted Friday after getting the linen and getting started on it and also post a picture of the front of the chart of what the finished project "might" look like when I am finished. I can already tell you that changes have already been made. I moved the A,B,C,D and 1,2,3,4 rectangles up in the piece. I decided to not make the year and my initials quite so prominent...one reason my initials wouldn't fit in using the size that the designer used, pluw her initials were all curvy and interesting and my initials are all straight and not very interesting...and 2021 fits into the square a lot different than 1996 (that's approximately how long I have had this chart). 1996 is the year this design was copyrighted...I could have bought it a few years later...but probably not many. Anyway, I have had it quite a while. At the time I bought it I got the charms that are to be attached, the felt for the corner hearts, and the buttons that go on the hearts. It was good to already have those items as I'm sure that they wouldn't be available still...though, it could be stitched without them. I'm just happy to be stitching it now. I would have had a little more progress to show if I hadn't had to "frog stitch" (frog stitching is "rip-it, rip-it" (like rib-it, rib-it that a frog says!)). Anyway, I got to looking at some of the long row of stitching that I was doing to define some more of the little boxes and realized that the row looked too dark...I had managed to pick up the wrong brown to do that row in so I had to "frog stitch." I had started to put it back in, but haven't gotten back as far as I was when I discovered it. This isn't the most colorful of samplers and there are lots of shades of brown. I will be LOTS more careful of which strand of thread I pick up to stitch with after having to pick out probaly 40 or move x's. I don't like to do reverse stitching! And, that is the reason that I am leary of the next step on the wedding dress...once I commit to cutting off the hem of the dress...there is no going back and redoing...this is the part of what I have to do to the wedding dress that is the scariest...taking that first cut...and, do I trust me to do this with the serger...that machine is wonderful...but it can be a destroyer, too! But it would be so much better if I can do it with the serger rather than cutting it off by hand because it would end with the finished edge that I need to turn up and hem...just like the original hem! After I get that hem done... then I have to hem the underskirt...hmmmmmmm just thought...I should do the underskirt first as a little mess up there wouldn't show...will think on that a bit! Problem with that is I don't have that one turned up yet...was going to just be sure to make it shorter than the outer skirt...dilemma after dillemma...decision after decision...I think that I would rather cross stitch tonight! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious1
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