Monday, January 9, 2023

We Love Our Barn Trips!

We love barn trips so much that we actually found a barn with a heart on it! We came upon this barn just when the sun was casting shadows with the two silos so it looked like a heart had been painted on the roof. It was a beautiful day for a barn trip...especially after yesterday's, pretty blue sky and clouds every now and again. I took LOTS of pictures of barns, farm animals...quite a few baby animals today, and even a few bird pictures. I have only downloaded one camera worth of photos...and, haven't even really had a chance to get a good look at those. When we discovered the heart barn, that was the one all three of us voted to be tonight's blog photo. It is just fun to be with Marie and Carolyn for several hours, even if we hadn't found any barns we would have had fun! But barns were in abundance today so there is new fodder for the blog for many days to come! I did talk to Woody for a few minutes while we were on the barn trip. He was back from dialysis. Today, he had managed to have someone find the numbing cream and he took it upon himself to put the cream on the area where they stick him and then wrap his arm with plastic wrap. He said that he was at least partially successful. The first stick hurt some, but the second one he didn't feel...probably the cream had had time to numb that spot before he got stuck. He had made an attempt to figure out with the dialysis nurse how a telemed appointment was going to work when it was scheduled during dialysis time. She said that they would get him early and then stop his dialysis a bit early that day. Woody just had the days mixed up. He told her tomorrow and the appointment is Wednesday. Guess they can trial run it tomorrow! I am blogging early tonight because I will be at prayer meeting when I usually blog. I continue to plug along with finishing my Christmas stitches into ornaments. Slowly but surely...getting done. I have three more ready for the next step...I think I will do at least the next step on those three, after I publish this...that will be three more closer to completion! The stack of unfinished is getting smaller...but just not small enough...that will happen when there are no stitched pieces in that stack! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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