Friday, December 22, 2023

Day 22: Christmas Memories

Tonight's ornament memory comes from some years back. I found these pretty hand-blown ornaments on a website and bought a set to give as gifts. I know I gave one to Melany and Wade and one to Nathan and Kathy and I kept one for our tree. I'm not sure where I gifted the others in the set. These ornaments were made in Poland (that is the tag that us still on the ornament). The neat thing about that is that Nathan, Kathy and family made their first mission trip to Poland that year. I'm pretty sure that I didn't know about them being made in Poland till after I got them. But a pretty ornament on the tree to remind us about their trip to Poland. I'm really none the worse for wear since my fall yesterday...except for the fat that my eye is very black and very swollen. I have mainly kept it shut today...viewing my world through one eye! I was surprised a few minutes ago, when I had my glasses off and looked in the mirror, that my other eye is getting black...surely it won't get as bad as the other eye is! The abrasions on the side of my face and forehead are looking better. I do have a bruise and sore place near my hairline. I have accomplished a few things inspite of my one-eyedness...all our gifts are wrapped and partially under the tree. When I go downstairs with nothing in my hands, I pick up one of the gifts and deposit it under the slowly but surely! I have gotten all the wrapping paper mess cleaned up in my room and have the sewing table pretty much cleared off so I can put Christmas decorations that are downstairs on tables that we need to use on Monday for our family Christmas lunch I am still having to use the rules "up with the good" and "down with the bad" for climbing the stairs. My left knee was very swollen by the end of the day yesterday. I have been using a heating pad on it off and on today. It is still a bit swollen, but not like last night. And, it doesn't seem as sore as it did yesterday...of course, I have been babying it! Woody has had a good and quiet day. He has been working extra crossword puzzles from his new puzzle book that he got for his birthday, Today we opened the gifts from my sister and he got another crossword puzzle book from her. So he is set for a while with plenty of puzzles to occupy his time. I will post a picture of the progression of my eyes. The picture tonight, I took when I discovered that my other eye was getting slightly black. But it shows pretty well how black the other eye is. What you are seeing is a lot of rolls of swelling in my eyelids. I will say that this morning when I woke up, I couldn't open my eye but the tiniest of a slit, but by this evening, I can open it more. It still feels better to just leave it shut! To be truthful, I sort of dread going about my usual routine in the morning...especially the part of getting things into the car! On the positive side, it is supposed to be warmer in the no car towels to remove and I will be extra careful about the uneven surface! Another positive is that from now, Winter solstice, till summer, the days will be getting longer...befor too long we will be heading out in the daylight once again! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! 'Tis the season!

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