Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 5, Cycle 1

Resting mode...sort of like this butterfly...if we sit...we rest...some times rest more deeply than other times!
Woody did start feeling queasy in the afternoon again. When he got home from work he had what he called a "sinking spell" and he said that he just let himself keep sinking deeper till he was asleep.
I say that he seems better today than yesterday. When I said that to him, he said: "If you say so." Not sure that he believed me, but he definitely hasn't slept quite as much this evening as he did yesterday evening. He says that he feels pretty good in the mornings, but not so great by afternoon.
He went to work as usual this morning. He walked at lunch. He has rested in his recliner after getting home. For this first cycle of the study, he took the last of the one chemo drug this morning. Saturday and Sunday he will just take the study drug in the mornings and evenings. He will return to Vanderbilt on Monday for tests, lab work, and see Dr. Sosman. After Sunday, he won't take any drugs for this study for three weeks, when he starts cycle 2.
I feel that we have all had a better day today in our household. We're looking forward to a restful weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Lois and Woody,

    The Holy Spirit has really been prompting me to lift you up and pray earnestly for you. Initially there was subtle reminders but of late this seems of such importance to Him. To that end I will be posting scripture as I receive them to pray over you and Lois. If you would like I can mail them or post them here on the blog. Sue and I love both of you so very much and are hopeful and expectant for a good outcome.

    Your brother in Christ ,


    Those who look to him are radiant;
    their faces are never covered with shame.

    Psalm 34:5
