Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 6, Cycle 2

These birdies just "think" that they are hiding from me!
Woody got up at o'dark-thirty this morning and walked about eight miles--he said that he took it a bit easy today since he didn't do his normal Sat. twelve mile walk. He came back home...managed to get his morning pills down. He went to the library. Came home and watched a DVD or two and has read. He also did some more mowing. This evening the sixth grade Sunday School teachers met up with their sixth graders at Baskin Robbins...a fun way to start off the new Sunday School year.
Before leaving for Baskin Robbins, Woody managed to get down his evening one more day down and only one more to go for having to take pills! I know that he will be glad when tomorrow night rolls around and he will be through with pills for this cycle.

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