Thursday, August 13, 2009

It's a Matter of Perspective!

This railroad track and road look like they are going to join up ahead...this picture is a good example of perspective that we learned about in art class...anyway, that is the first place that I think I was introduced to perspective. In reality this road and railroad track are just about parallel to each other.
There is a problem with perspective when Woody starts to describe how he is feeling today. He says that perhaps that he has nausea...but then again it really isn't nausea...just a lump in his throat...or...perhaps it is just a gag reflex over thinking about taking his pills. The choice is yours or I guess his! He just doesn't know what it feels like to be sick so has trouble giving the rest of us the correct perspective on how he really is feeling!
This is Day 4 of Cycle 2 and this is the day of Cycle 1 that he felt the worst. I will say that he doesn't "seem" to feel as crumby as he did a month ago in the first chemo drug study cycle. But I can also tell that this isn't a really great day for him. He has done the normal up early...took his anti-nausea pill...headed off to work...took his chemo pills...worked...walked at lunch...came home and plopped in the recliner in our room upstairs. Now, here is another perspective problem...he says that he was feeling sleepy...but that he probably didn't get enough sleep last night...his perspective won't let him see that it could possibly be the chemo medicine that is making him feel a bit tired/sleepy/crumby.
I have been trying to organize all my digital pictures...what a job! I was working on those this afternoon, after he got home from work. After he rested for a bit, Woody went downstairs and in a bit I heard the front open and close, so I knew that he had gone outside. A while later he came back in...he had gone out and done some yard work! So you can see...he won't give into not feeling the greatest! He had set a goal of getting some yard work accomplished today and was determined to get it done. He did say that he took it slow and easy.

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