Sunday, September 6, 2009

Day 28, Cycle 2...Cycle 2 COMPLETED!

We both went to Sunday School this morning. Woody taught his 6th grade boys class. This afternoon Woody watched a library DVD and read. Late afternoon/early evening we went for a two to two-and-a-half mile walk. It was rather warm. The neighborhood that we walked in today didn't have many flowers near the I didn't take many pictures. We noticed something the little over an hour that we walked...we hardly saw anyone out in their yards nor did we hear families/children in their backyards...for the longest time we only saw vehicles on the roads or leaving driveways...a little before getting home we did see a family--mom guiding their little girl on a bicycle with training wheels and their little boy riding his bicycle and the dad pulling a wagon...and it looked like they might be heading out for a picnic...that was the only family activity that we saw on our Labor Day Weekend Sunday walk. Now, we know that some were at church and some were at the lake, etc. But we think that a lot were probably inside in front of their TVs. Perhaps our observations are a comment on today's society?
Today brings to a close the second cycle of Woody's chemo drug study. He will start his third cycle on Tuesday. I am sure that my week will be totally messed up in my not going to Vanderbilt on Woody being home on Monday...and by us going to Vanderbilt on Tuesday...I doubt that I will know what day is which all this week!

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