Monday, December 21, 2009

Cycle 6, Day 14--half-way through Cycle 6

Living Nativity--2009 at First Baptist Church, Tullahoma, TN
A bit late in posting tonight. I spent the evening at the church taking pictures and enjoying the variety of activities that were presented.
I spent some time wandering through the Bethlehem village and then stopped for a bit to listen to our choir sing various Christmas songs, then went in to warm up a bit and watch the jugglers(aka our son Nathan and family). I thought it interesting that I got to the Nativity scene just as they were placing the first set of actors (we rotate Mary and Joseph and the kings and the angel throughout the evening so they can go inside and get warm). Anyway, the first set of kings wore the costumes that were made for the very first Living Nativity back in 1997. I made the king's costume on the left. Glad to see that it is still holding up!
Woody walked to get his hair cut this afternoon. I took off in the car and finished my Christmas shopping. Hip-hip-hooray! Woody has read, watched TV and DVDs, and relaxed today.

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