Sunday, December 27, 2009

Secret Sewing Unveiled

Here's pictures of the secret sewing that I was hidden away doing for several weeks in December. Abigail got a complete "Little House on the Prairie" costume including boots...along with a doll dress for her baby that matches the bonnet. Joy and Esther each got something new for their baby dolls. And, this only shows the secret sewing...I made quite a few other items for was a busy Christmas sewing year for me.

Woody and I both taught our Sunday School classes this morning. We came home and settled in for the afternoon and evening. Woody went on a two mile walk while I took a nap. He has been watching football and reading. I managed to get current with the pictures that I have been taking...moving them from the "to be sorted" file in the computer into their more specific files and backing them up in two places in external drives...hoping that they will be easily accessible and safe.
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1 comment:

  1. Lois, I love the Little house on the Prairie outfit, my Laura would have loved that when she was that age. Happy New Year to you and Woody
