Saturday, March 27, 2010

Compost GIRL to the Rescue!

Compost Boy was out of Compost Girl substituted for him. She did a great job! Woody got up early. When Alex got up, Woody made French toast for the two of them. We girls slept in a bit later...tea and toast was fine with me for a little extra sleep and Erin ate some waffles that we froze yesterday. Woody took Alex to the library and then later he took Erin and Alex to a video game store. After lunch, Woody and Alex did yard work. Erin and I stayed inside. She made cookies. Joy came over and helped Erin with the last step of the cookies. Now...Woody, Erin, and Alex are playing Monopoly. Well, right now they are visiting with Nathan, Kathy, Graham, Abigail, Joy, Esther, and Elijah...they just rang our doorbell. Graham is anxious to show me that he can now I'd best head downstairs. Erin and Alex will head home tomorrow (we think).

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