Who knows what we will be doing...still not very clear. The research nurse did call Woody last night, when I was next door, and she told him that his leg bone hadn't already fractured, but that he was still to be very careful and not do any strenuous walking. We haven't heard anything after Dr. Sosman reviewed the x-rays. The research nurse is hunting out all sorts of options, as to what Woody may do next, as far as a drug study...she has mentioned some that aren't done at Vanderbilt. So it could mean that we have to go farther a field (one that has been mentioned is in Bethesda, MD and the other in Knoxville). We don't have enough information to make any decisions yet. But, the bloodwork done yesterday on Woody's quick and unexpected trip to Vanderbilt was for the study in Maryland. And, as Woody says, we need to find out what, if anything, has to be done to or for the bone in what we think is his left leg. There is also a minute tumor in his other leg (which we are assuming is his right leg!).
We continue to be in quite an upheaval here at the house...siding still underway on the outside and the painting is well underway on the inside. The family room and bathroom are all painted. On Monday the painter is supposed to do some touch-up paint upstairs. Then the painter will put on another hat and install a ceiling fan and then work on weather stripping some doors and also raising the threshold on one door. I think that will complete the inside work...then he has several jobs to do outside. At some point there is supposed to be new carpet installed in the family room and downstairs bathroom. So things are going right along...but still quite a bit to go before completion.
Erin and Alex are downstairs with Goosey (Woody) playing Monopoly. Woody still usually manages to win...but Erin did defeat them both once this week (Woody claims due to a poor trade on Alex's part...Alex claims to have wanted to see Goosey lose once...Erin just claims the win!). They are watching basketball while playing games. I'm sure that I will be roped into playing a game of "Sorry" before the evening is over.
I managed to cut out jumpers for Abigail and Esther today...not sure how...guess determination! Woody had a normal Friday at work...except for not walking at lunch. He has been challenging Erin and Alex to be able to see 3-D stereograms. The pictured owl model was put together by Alex and Graham with help from Kathy earlier this week.
What a neat little owl! So glad you are sneaking in some time for sewing. Have a wonderful weekend!