Thursday, May 6, 2010

National Day of Prayer 2010

What a good day to have surgery...The National Day of Prayer! I had a collage all ready to post...that showed the National Day of Prayer gathering on NIH campus...but for some reason I couldn't get it to post. I also had a picture of Woody all ready for surgery...he will probably thank the computer for the glitch!

They took Woody back for surgery shortly after 8am and the doctor was back to report by 10am. He was awake very quickly. He only stayed a short time in the recovery room. At this point his main pain has been from his left scapular area and not from the surgical site. The tumor that they removed was about the size of an apricot. Due to the depth, they did have to put in a drain. Which, I guess, he comes home with...oh, boy!

I did go for a few minutes to the National Day of Prayer gathering...I guess there were a hundred or so people there. I was pleased to see a gathering on NIH government grounds! I only stayed for a little while...but it was planned to go on for several hours. The part I was there for wasn't exactly what I was more of a program (Christian groups and individuals singing)...not a prayer time.

It was a bit of a walk so I didn't stay long as I didn't want to leave Woody all that I headed back, stopped to get my lunch to take back to Woody's room. Mid-afternoon Woody decided that he wanted to go outside for a walk (above picture...shows part of his garb!) Don't you love his stockings. His nurse provided him with a robe to match his hospital gown...a very fashionable statement! It was a very pleasant afternoon for a walk...low humidity...sunny...breezy. The only problem was finding a shady bench to sit down on to rest...we did sit in a gazebo for a while on the grounds of the lodge where we were "supposed" to have stayed for a couple of nights. The social worker came by this afternoon to once again apologize for that confusion and to meet us in person.

I'm back at the hotel...again, eating soup and bread and blogging. Tonight I chose roasted tomato soup with garlic croutons...pretty good. They had ice in the ice machine, when I got I'm a happy camper. I will head upstairs and turn on the TV and have a cold ginger ale, when I am finished with the computer. Last night I watched a Senate Hearing on the budget for NIH...rather interesting!

I called Woody after I got back to the hotel and he told me that he had prayed with his roommate this evening. His roommate has lung cancer and is here getting chemo treatments over several days. Woody found out that he is a Catholic. And, thus ends our National Day of Prayer!

Woody will find out in the morning if he will be released tomorrow. We have reservations here at the hotel for tomorrow night, too...and will stay longer if necessary.

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