Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Busy Day/s

Woody got up early and walked his four-mile route (no encounters with the police today!). Elijah had his time with me for school and then went downstairs for his time with Goosey (Woody). Then it was Esther's turn for her school time with me. She did several papers (wrote her numbers to 10 and also did a page of counting things) and when it was time for our school time to be over she decided to go home without Woody reading to her. I think that she was excited that she had three papers all stapled together to show her mommy and daddy. I walked next door with her and got to listen to Joy read in her reader. While I was doing that Woody went to the Farmer's Market to get some yellow squash that I need for a recipe and came home with a big watermelon too. He made the comment that it was a good thing that he didn't walk to the Farmer's Market when he showed me the size of the watermelon that he had gotten. He does love watermelon! At noon we went to the church to hear the guest speaker. This afternoon I was tired and took a little nap. Then talked with Melany and my sister on the phone for a while. Melany had to fill me in on how her first week of school had gone so far and also Alex's first days as a freshman in high school and we also talked about the big day ahead for Erin and for Wade and Melany...they will be heading to Erin's college-to-be (East TN State University) for orientation on Friday. Lots of big things going on in their lives!

We have just returned from the evening service at church...the last day for our special speaker.

Something of note...Woody's hair seems to be getting less and less curly. When his hair grew back after chemo, it came back in curly...and I just noticed in the last couple of days that it seems like it is just about back to "normal" (what it was like prior to chemo). No hair to curly hair to straight again...that cycle has taken just about a year. (I just checked last year's blogs in August and one year ago tomorrow is the day that he finally allowed the nurse to shave what was left of his hair just about one year exactly!)

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