My day seems to have been very elusive...sort of like this hummingbird. I did capture a couple of pictures of a hummingbird several days ago with my new little point and shoot camera. Tonight's photo is an "artistic rendition" of this photo using my photo software (click on it twice to see it larger and see the photoshopped effects better). Woody and I both got up very early. He took his four-mile route for his early morning walk. When he got home, I made us both a mushroom parmesan omelet. After that I was about ready for a nap...I just didn't get enough sleep so have felt like taking a nap almost all day and have taken a couple of short rests here and there and then later this afternoon took quite a long nap that lasted into the evening! Woody went to the grocery store shortly after he finished breakfast and in that trip also included a stop at the library. Later in the morning he visited a couple of friends who are in the hospital. Not long after he left for the grocery store I got a phone call from Melany. She filled me in on their day yesterday. It was freshman orientation at East Tennessee State University. So I guess you can say that Erin and her parents are now orientated...or is it oriented! Sounds like that they had a great day. After I got finished talking with Melany, I called Erin. She sounded so excited. She and I made plans for Goosey (Woody) and me to stop and see her in October on our way back from NIH so she can show us her campus. They both commented on what a pretty campus it is...and that the campus is very hilly. One of the exciting things that they shared is that Erin will not have to take freshman English because of her ACT scores. Erin seemed very pleased with the classes she will be taking...hope that lasts once the classes start!!!!! When Woody came home, I helped him put the groceries away. He got some of the most delicious dark cherries. They are now only delicious but huge. Later in the morning I talked with my sister so I could fill her in on Erin's and her parent's day yesterday. Then later in the afternoon my sister called to tell me that Erin had called she filled me in on all that Erin told her! I guess my day has been phone conversations and naps!!!!!!!!! I'm "supposed" to be preparing a Sunday School lesson. I know that Woody has made Peasant Salad and has watered plants in the various gardens with water from the neighbor's kiddie pool (sort of hate to let that water go to waste and don't want it to stand to breed mosquitoes!). He has watched a DVD from the library and some TV and has read. I don't think that his day has been as elusive as mine!
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