Monday, April 9, 2012

Always Be Prepared!

Well, we attempted to get back into routine today...back to school after two weeks off. Elijah came over for his preschool time. Then Esther came over to practice her reading and then learn about the continents. After that it was Joy's turn. She started out working with me in her reading workbook. She finished that and started working on her math. It was time for Graham's experiment time so she finished her math time with Goosey (Woody) and then read him the story from her reading book. Graham came over and did an experiment from a new set of physics experiments that I found last night on the's a PDF file so I downloaded it and it is now residing on my "bookshelf" on my iPad and we can read it like a book right on the iPad. Today he did an experiment that shows that air takes up space. Then we started reading another PDF file that I had downloaded about the Dark Abyss (the ocean). He learned several neat facts about the ocean and the amount of area that it takes up compared to the amount of land that there is on our earth. After he finished with his time, it was lunch time and we invited him to have yesterday's leftovers with us. He enjoyed that! Then he went on a four-mile walk with Goosey. And, that is where the title of tonight's blog comes they were getting ready to leave, Graham shoved some plastic Easter eggs into his pockets. Goosey questioned as to why he would need those on the walk, but Graham wanted to take them. is a good thing he took them as they found tadpoles on their walk and Graham was able to scoop one tadpole up into one of his eggs and get it home safely. Now we will see if he can raise this to become a frog or toad...time will tell! At the moment it is residing in a glass jar in our kitchen! Woody has mowed this afternoon. About the only task that I completed this afternoon was to get the sheets back on the bed that Alex slept in. Then I flopped on our bed and rested. Thanks to Alex I found Pandora internet radio and have been plugging in favorite artists and favorite songs. Pretty neat! At the moment I am listening to Original Broadway and Movie Soundtracks to some of my favorite movies. It's nice to be able to choose the type of music that you can listen to...I still tend to want to listen to "songs and artists from the past (ones that I am already familiar with)." Well, it's almost time for Dancing With the Stars!

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