Brrrrrrrrrrrr...downright chilly here in Middle TN...especially when the windchill was factored in! But the wind is calming down now...which means that there is a chance of frost tonight...plants are once again covered up. Woody spent some time out in the gardens...probably mostly covering up things and also wrestling leaves out from under bushes and plants in our gardens. I had school with Elijah, Esther, Joy and Graham this morning. This afternoon I have been dusting. I have quite a few shelves that have picture frames on them...these don't get dusted very often since so much has to be moved. So my sister should feel honored! Ha! Ha! Really they needed it and I just needed a "good" reason to do them! Guess she is a good a reason as any! I have also been working on church library book orders. So I have been doing a little of this and a little of that. Now I'm heading down to watch Dancing With the Stars and plan to dust in the family room while I watch! (Hope that my sister isn't planning to bring her white gloves! Our house won't pass that test!)
Your sister would just as soon not bring a coat either!