Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Whirl Wind Wednesday!

Or at least I have felt caught up in a whirl wind today...go! go! go! School got started off with Elijah today. He is working so hard on learning to sound out words and writing numbers. Esther finished another Dick and Jane book and we also finished reading Robert Louis Stevenson's Child's Garden of Verses. I think that it is the first time that I had read some of those poems. Joy came over and finished her Social Studies lesson and then we went back to work on machine embroidering the design for her notebook cover. Graham finished applying pockets to his apron. He's hoping to have it finished before he makes bread next time. While Graham was having his sewing lesson, Woody headed off on his daily walk. He walked four miles today which included dropping off an engagement/wedding present. After I finished lunch and caught my breath for a minute, I headed off to work in the church library. I stopped on my way to the church to buy some snaps for Abigail to use on her doll jumper. Then three of us worked in the library. We went back to working on inventorying the books. We got a lot done...lots still to be done...but every little bite helps when eating an elephant! I came home and made a quick supper and then headed upstairs to land on the heating pad in the recliner! Woody has read, watched some TV, worked crossword puzzles, etc. today. It has been a rather chilly and breezy day.

1 comment:

  1. You're showing pictures of flowers and we had snow this evening! lol
