Thursday, May 23, 2013

Graduation Day

Big day next door! Our Esther (5 1/2) graduated from kindergarten this morning with all sorts of pomp and circumstance! Everyone was very excited because they had another reason to celebrate! After the graduation ceremony, their other scholars got back to work. I had school with Elijah, Joy, and Abigail and Esther read two Dick and Jane stories to me. Woody got up early and walked and then he walked to the Credit Union later in the morning...for a total of about thirteen miles for the day. He also mowed some today. It has been a very pleasant day weather-wise. This afternoon, I napped and sewed and sorted photos. Congratulations, Esther, we are very proud of all you have accomplished in your kindergarten have grown up so much! Today with the turn of the tassel she became a first how time does march by!

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